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[-] 23 points 1 month ago

Maybe I can grift a nice bounty developing AR glasses which patch out all the brands on clothes and places in real-time.

[-] 6 points 1 month ago

>do community service

>get sentenced to community service

Great system.

Yakko is an Anarchist (
submitted 1 month ago by to c/

Which really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone!

(Found this on Nuclear Change's /social/)

cross-posted from:

Yakko is an Anarchist (
submitted 1 month ago by to c/

Which really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone!

(Found this on Nuclear Change /social/)

[-] 7 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If someone's take on 9/11 doesn't go back to at least the early 1980s, it's probably not worth taking too seriously. It didn't start on 9/11, that's just the date millions of people were forced into hearing about the messy and complex conflicts. A witness on ground zero doesn't become a 9/11 expert.

The 4th season of the podcast Blowback does an excellent job of covering the background, both within and beyond the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan. I highly recommend it.

[-] 10 points 5 months ago

It's disingenuous to assume the Soviet Union is representative of communism or even the Western communist movement at the time or afterwards. It would be similar to pointing to the unique horrors of the United States history and claiming therefore all those supporting capitalism are disturbing.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Dear consumer: do not operate this motor vehicle while experiencing emotion

edit: I've updated the title as I've discovered more information: a credible death threat isn't quite the same as attempted murder

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, that is a major issue.

An interesting part of it is that I'm not use how much of that is the service working as intended (even in abstract ways, like promoting interest-grabbing things) and how much is abuse of the service (basically SEO for social media posts, using botfarms to promote content, etc.). And just to be clear, it's still a fault of the platform if it's being abused by organized think-tanks and advertisers. Whereas in Lemmy and Mastodon, the openness and customisability would communities to adjust 'the algorithm' that decides which posts to promote, or just block things that are unwelcome in their community.

[-] 0 points 7 months ago

Ah, that sucks to hear about.

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

I'm not sure if that's really how the US propaganda model works (that is, the one defined in Manufacturing Consent). It's an element of it, you're right about that, but I think ultimately the issue is that they're a for-profit information platform. And, as a result of that and the system we're in, they're affected by at least four of the five filters of bias that the authors proposed:

  • They're filtered by the investor demands to censor.
  • They're filtered by advertising demands to censor.
  • They're vulnerable to mass-media flak against their reputation.
  • They're vulnerable to anti-[flavour-of-the-month] red-scare hysteria.

Mastodon, like Lemmy, can basically ignore the first two filters, and established communities which don't mind being smaller than mainstream are unaffected by the remaining two.

[-] 32 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Ultimately, it's important to remember that BlueSky is a for-profit business, like Twitter, like reddit. I urge everyone to avoid it where possible, just like I would go back in time and urge people not to make Twitter a thing.

They will inevitably go down a similar path. Even in the best case hypothetical scenario, they are still beholden to the interests of shareholders and advertisers. They have to make money from you, or from rich companies, to survive. Mastodon instances, on the other hand, are scalable enough that they can sustain themselves off self-funding or donations. Just like Lemmy, they don't have an intrinsic motivation to throw in ads, or to get you addicted to scrolling and arguing, or to censor communities that offend their sponsors.

It's no co-incidence that you're feeling some similarities between Lemmy and Mastodon, in fact Mastodon users can actually post here! 'Fediverse' programs all use the same language (protocol) to communicate and so some are able to interact. I've had a Lemmy<->Mastodon conversation before. Admittedly it's not ideal to do that everyday, because of the obvious difference in formats, but having the ability to do that can be useful, especially if one service has a community that yours doesn't.

[-] 5 points 7 months ago

I was initially siding with Israel as they were hit first, but their response has made me rethink things.

To generalize this out to other wars and conflicts, even regular old arguments, there are almost always pre-existing conditions and tensions leading up to the first major attack. Even things like WWI, where the catalyst was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. But there is quite obviously more to the atmosphere, national ambitions, etc. etc. that make it so that the separatists wanted to assassinate him, and make it so that Austria-Hungary wanted to invade Serbia and used this as an excuse. A war would have happened anyway, no matter who attacked first.

[-] 1 points 7 months ago

Is it even safe to start from the Ottomans?

[-] 6 points 7 months ago

For me, it was the palmy beach.

And I'll have you know that I'm still under 30 and do regular back extension exercises!

submitted 7 months ago by to c/

For details, see the Release notice section Bigger new windows.

submitted 11 months ago by to c/


This was evidently made in a hurry, so I'll need some help from you all in the comments to polish it or add anything important that I have overlooked. Or, you know, apply actual basic graphic design principles. Regardless, I think it will serve as a prototype guide for newcomers.

I encourage using the crosspost feature to share this around where appropriate (this place has grown so much I haven't found all the relevant meta communities). All rights reversed, none reserved

One more thing I didn't explicitly say was: seize this opportunity to do something new! While it is good to see a lot of fun communities moving over, we naturally run the risk of just replaying the same old game. Even just the little things like people recycling 'sub-lemmy' or 'lemmiquette' (which isn't even a pun anymore) and the same old in-joke memes. Be creative and fresh! That's how you build a community and prevent people just leaving after a month.

submitted 11 months ago by to c/

This just seems redundant.

submitted 11 months ago by to c/

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

I've already started seeing a lot of redundant communities being made here that have already existed on other Lemmy instances, and is at risk of centralization and overload, so now is a great time to raise awareness of other instances.

For science topics, has a lot of good ones set up, and ! on has been great!

edit: for new users - you can type ! to begin autofilling a community, even for ones on other instances, like I did for the solarpunk community above. It may take a few seconds for the autofill results to show up if you have a slow connection like me.

submitted 1 year ago by to c/

I don't have many fedi accounts, but looking at public Mastodon feeds it is very common to see people requesting others to add alt-text to their media and getting a lot of boosts/etc.

Is there any reason (beyond a very mild convenience) for some Mastodon instances not to require alt-text on media? It seems like something a lot of admins would want to do, given their general audience, and naively I'd say it's very easy to implement.

submitted 1 year ago by to c/

[yeah it's twitter junk, I know]

submitted 2 years ago by to c/
submitted 2 years ago by to c/

Open question, but here's my reason for asking:

I'm aware that the UK [temporarily halted] and Australia also have active train strikes that affect travel. Since the trains are quite widely used by citizens on their ways to and from work, the strikes inevitably make many of the affected people angry due to the inconvenience.

So I wonder if USA's notorious anti-public transport norms mean that a train strike will become more of a commercial issue than a personal issue. There has already been concerned industry organizations like the fertilizer one urging the government to make the striking illegal, do you foresee any important anger among the general population over the strikes?

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