Is there a list of such institutions?
What is this whole Absolute [DC Superhero] thing? An alternate universe like All-Star was?
Are there any clear winners in this space to consider? Shopping for ebikes feels like going on amazon to shop. Lots of options of dubious pedigree
Give out the best candy possible to the few who come by. The rumor of the amazing trove will spread. But then "run out" early so that some of them will miss out and learn the lesson for next year
Needs a banana for scale
It's also wrong because it depicts a doctor choosing to charge ridiculous fees rather than the medical system in which he is forced to practice
Not when there's a water hurricane
And he is speaking language that will make voting for Harris more palatable to at least some Republicans
And massive markdowns on the fashions you love!
Man, you took it too real too quick
Because the soap bar might get stuck up in there
Edna sounds like the Karen of the 20th century