[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world -3 points 4 days ago

It shows how important having a charismatic person is to make any venture a success. We're all humans with limited time on the earth. We can't possibly experience everything. All we see and do is filtered out of necessity. A charismatic advocate of a product/movement/idea can get people to pay attention.

The best musician in history is probably unknown because they didn't have a good manager/agent.

The greatest painting ever made was probably thrown away because nobody ever knew about it.

Hype men are necessary.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 14 points 4 days ago

Jobs was an asshole.

Also, he got shit done. He wasn't a technical genius, but he and the team he built could pitch the shit out of products. Apple's value has rarely been in its technical superiority, but in branding.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 24 points 4 days ago

"Bullshitting" is an essential skill, not a distraction. The greatest idea in the world is meaningless if nobody knows about it.

Marketing, scmoozing, etc gets a bad rep. But no matter how good your output, product, research, etc is, it has very little value or impact if people don't get on board.

If you can't play the game, team up with someone who can. And don't forget that while that schmoozer may not have your technical skills, they have a skillset you do not.

It wasn't Woz or Jobs. It was both.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Though the benefit of the law is that the standard engine on the Ford Maverick is the hybrid, since having the ICE as the standard wouldn't meet CAFE.

If the Maverick had been possible to obtain when my Colorado died last summer it's definitely what I would have bought.

Instead I got an NV200 mini cargo van, and I'm pretty happy with it. Though the smash cargo vans just all got discontinued by all the manufacturers too because of CAFE.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago

But they're essentially illegal. CAFE standards are based on vehicle footprint since the late 2000s (you know - when they suddenly quit making small trucks). As the standards get stricter they just make trucks bigger to keep from failing to meet CAFE.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

She needs to apply for a jobs at these companies that use the software in order to generate damages she can sue over.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

There's so much NIMBY about landfills they're rare and very far apart, so they can get away with charging 4x what's fair.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

You literally can't take the bar without a law degree. The bar is just a test at the end of the journey.

Because the ability to pass one test is no replacement for a holistic education in the law.

Hell, I know more about the law in my particular field than 99% of attorneys. But that doesn't mean shit in a courtroom.

Do you care of your electrician is licensed? You should. Because someone can know enough about electricity to get by and make things work and still be dangerous. That shortcut they used to steal a return off a separate circuit to save a wire run in the garage works great until the GFI fails on a short and you get electrocuted using the sink.

Credentials are important. Some college degrees are essential for their specific jobs (doctors, lawyers, scientists). Others are useful skillsets combined with a degree that acts as a credential that says "independantly accomplishes multi-year complex goal involving 40+ successful milestone tasks (courses) with no supervision required."

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

That's like somebody saying in 1912 that fax machines could never be invented because no printouts were magically appearing on their desk. The technology had to be invented before it could be used. If a time traveler has to step out of a machine, that machine has to be invented first. The idea is that backwards time travel would only be able to travel as far back as the invention of backwards time travel.

That being said, from a physics standpoint I can absolutely see backwards time travel as being impossible. We can't move negative distances across spatial dimensions, so why would we be able to move backwards in time?

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world 7 points 6 days ago

For big times like furniture, engines, toilets, construction debris, etc it's to save money. You can't throw those things in a dumpster, and a trip to my local dump costs $160.

[-] chiliedogg@lemmy.world -1 points 6 days ago

Someone simultaneously spending money, building debt, and foregoing income for years to complete a project that will result in better longer-term prospects absolutely shows drive and a focus on the long-term.

Not going to college doesn't mean someone doesn't have those qualities, but the degree is prrof of minimum qualifications and drive.

I know everything necessary to build a house from the ground up, but if you want an electrical upgrade you should hire a licensed electrician and not me because they have the credentials to back it up.

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