[-] bstix@feddit.dk 3 points 7 hours ago

I saw a Nazi protest last year.

It was 3 young fat guys in the center of a traffical crossing with signs. I'm surprised they didn't get beat up or worse.

The surprise of it caught me off guard so I just drove by thinking "WTF", but I might stop and beat them up or worse if they do it again.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 27 points 14 hours ago

It may reduce human intake, but I doubt it removes anything.

The plastic just won't pour out when it's burned to the heating element of the kettle or encrusted within the limestone in the water.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 3 points 3 days ago

That's fine. The socks don't match anyway

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Why then are all living things trying to work against entropy?

I am not just talking about human intelligence or behaviour, but every single living thing is trying to organise chaos into a habitable frame for themselves to survive and expand. Survival of the most symmetrical or whatever.

The point is... Why did every atom in the universe arrange to make cells to make organisms to make life to make intelligent life to counter entropy, if it was just entropy happening? Some say that life is just a temporary disease, but then why do these functions even exist, if they're not "supposed" to be used?

I don't think "the universe" has a say. Shit just happens, and it doesn't have an explicit reason to be chaos nor structured. Both are extreme cases of idealistic outcomes. If we assume that either will succeed, we have to ask what happens "after" and also "before" the universe.

I used too many double quotation marks. That's because quite frankly, I think it's a contemporary lullaby storyline. We won't ever know.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 2 points 4 days ago

I think LLMs are better for more fluffy stuff, like writing speeches etc.

Excel solutions are often very specific. A vague question like separating a date can be solved in many ways, using a variety of formulas, the text-to-column wizard, VBA, import queries or even just formatting, all depending on what you really need, what the input is and what locality is used and other things.

The text-to-column method is great, because it transforms whatever the input is into a date type, making it possible to treat it as and make calculations as an actual date. It's not always the right solution though, for instance if the input is ambiguous.

It's fine that he learned to use this method, but I wonder what he'd ask the LMM in a case where it isn't the right solution and what it'll come up with then. He didn't actually learn to separate a date from the input. He learned to use the text import wizard.

In my experience it's preferable to learn these things on a more basic level if only just to be able to search more specifically for the right answer, because there is a specific answer. Having a language model run through a bunch of solutions and presenting the most popular one might just be a waste of time and leading you into a wild goose chase.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Ok. Why?

What's this stupid crusade against electric vehicles really about?

Don't like them, don't buy them, free market, right?

I get that little D. Trump wants donations from the fossil fuel industry and ice car manufacturers for his campaign, but why is it that all the stubborn conservatives are all over Facebook hell-bent on shitting on every post about EVs when nobody is forcing them to drive them? What's so scary about it? Progression? It's going to happen and they're going to like it.

The funny thing is that when they eventually need to buy a car, they'll buy an EV anyway, because that makes sense when they sober up and look at what is best for themselves financially. It's soo fucking stupid...

I have this aquintance who is into politics on the right wing who's posting this shit all the time. However, both he and his wife drive electric cars. It's like they just want to be hypocritical stooges hoping to outsmart everyone else, just using any excuse to shit all over the place thinking their friends will admire them or think it's funny or something. But it's actually sad. Who hurt them?

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The down payment requirements were introduced in the 2010s, because too many people got their fingers burned on rate free loans. Prior to that it was possible to make a mortgage of 100% of the capital and no rate payment for 10 years, in which buyers only had to pay interest which was around 6% at the time or variable between 2-4% or so.

It obviously broke when the 10 years were up and people had to "suddenly" pay both rates and interest on way too large loans. The banks had expected people to refinance before that and were gladly passing out unrealistically large loans.

It was crazy beforehand. You could walk broke and unemployed into a bank and get approved for buying houses worth millions, because you didn't have to prove any kind of income except for covering the interest for the next month.

The down payment requirement forced the banks not to pass out these "free" loans to people without money. Not only should people be able to stomp up some cash, it also requires the bank to participate in the risk that they sell.

Now more currently, this up-conversion rage is something else. It can free up cash, right? Sure, but it makes the most sense if the customer has more expensive debts to be covered by that "free" liquidity. Like the bank loan? So that's why the banks have been pushing it well out of what is reasonable. Yes, there were money to be made for a small window in 2022, but by the time your bank advices you to do it, you can bet that it is well past the good deal. For customers, it only makes sense in the long run if you can close more expensive loans or desperately need liquidity for perhaps buying a more expensive house, and don't mind pushing the payments ahead into the future where you will "obviously" make soo much more money.

Personally I have converted my loan two times, but only downwards from 4% to 2.5% to 1%. I skipped the lowest offer of 0.5% because the savings didn't cover the costs of doing it. I will be happily "locked in" on my 1% mortgage until I sell this house. Refinancing might free up cash, but it doesn't balance in the long run. I'd basically be paying myself back for taking out that cash now, while the bank would take out their part right away.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 18 points 4 days ago

He has more than 4 upvotes, but en passant doesn't care about that. It had 4 upvotes at some point.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 73 points 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The advantage is folding.

When folded at the middle it becomes the next size.

So if you have an A4 paper but don't have the proper C4 envelope, you can fold the paper in half and put it in a C5 envelope. This is standard.

Let's then imagine that you don't have a C5 envelope either, but only have the remaining Christmas card envelopes, which are C6. So you just fold your paper one more time at the middle and it'll fit again.

Also, the area of A0 is 1 square meter. You probably don't nornally have an A0 paper around, but that doesn't matter, because you can take 8 pieces of A3 or 16 pieces of A4 papers, tape them together and it'll be A0.

Now it isn't actually a square meter. It's the same area, but it's not square. No, the length and width makes the golden fucking ratio. This might be irrelevant for a legal document, but it's pretty neat if you want to make a nice drawing.

Paper come in reams. Reams come in boxes. Boxes come on pallets. The paper boxes fit perfectly on a pallet in both length and width, so the layers of boxes can be placed either way in an interlocked pattern. This is mostly a box design thing though. American paper also fit on American pallets, but without the connection through the sizes, you cannot make a pallet with mixed sizes and expect it to fit.

Forgot to add: the real beauty isn't the paper size. It's simply having a standard. Cans and bottles and lots of stuff follow similar metric standards. It's possible to mix everything and still make it fit snuggly on a euro pallet.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

That's not exactly the take I was expecting, but alright.

The person who posted it is apparently addicted to abusing other peoples labour. Now, as a labour dealer, I can't provide them with one guy with 10 years experience. That's too high of a dose.

However, if they're willing, I can probably find 10 guys with 1 year experience, but the price is going to be 10 times the going rate, because that's how much it'll cost me to hire and manage those 10 people off fiver.

Am I cutting the shit? Go find another dealer then. It's not my "need". That's a "your problem".

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 9 points 5 days ago

The entertainment system in most cars are separate from the actual car computer. You can just turn it off, or only use the radio. I think it's only Tesla where it's necessary to use the screen in order to operate the car.

EVs however is one place where it makes some sense to have some software connection to the car, if you want to time the charging to the electricity price or set a tine to preheat and such, that'd be difficult to make with physical buttons. I'd prefer just to have an simple app for it, because I really dislike the proprietary software in the cars.

[-] bstix@feddit.dk 77 points 5 days ago

This might be pedantic, but the use of the word "need" pisses me off more than the unrealistic requirement. It's so needy.

submitted 4 months ago by bstix@feddit.dk to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
late for work rule (i.imgur.com)
submitted 6 months ago by bstix@feddit.dk to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
submitted 8 months ago by bstix@feddit.dk to c/liminalspace@lemmy.world
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by bstix@feddit.dk to c/whatisthisthing@lemmy.world

I am restoring an old chest and while removing a cover under the lid I found this label. As you can see, it's completely undecipherable except for "***halle & co." However there's another label underneath it. I wonder if I can separate them by putting it in water (like stamps off an envelope), but I'm afraid of destroying it if it has any value whatsoever.

The chest is made of wood and metal, but it's in a horrible state. Hinges and screws have been replaced prior to my owning, and the wood is damaged. I plan on restoring it, but would like to know it's history. Judging by materials and the label, I recon this is from 1900-1940s and American.

submitted 10 months ago by bstix@feddit.dk to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

I'm trying to install Optifine on a Linux Mint Cinnamon laptop. Minecraft Java edition of course.

The game works and has been launched in version 1.20.1, but the Optifine installer keeps saying that I need run version 1.20.1 first.

Also, the installer is already pointing at the correct directory as default, but when I browse the location from the installer, I can't see or set the .minecraft directory manually.

What to do?

blur - wembley (feddit.dk)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by bstix@feddit.dk to c/music@beehaw.org

Now, I've been to many concerts and even several blur concerts, but this one felt .. special. Even better than the Hyde park concerts 10+ years ago. Anyone else there?

To me it was like watching their proudest achievement and also delivering on it. Maybe I'm just in awe of the brimfull Wembley stadium shouting along on Park Life, but it definitely felt like this was the final grand stadium concert. I've seen Aerosmith, Green Day, Guns'n'Roses and other larger bands on a full arenas before, but those didn't even come close to this. Despite everything being extremely professionally and on time, they managed to break the wall between the stage and the 90000 in audience.

I'm not even a blur fan as such, but I do acknowledge that their contribution to music is way way underappreciated, or maybe it actually isn't?

The warm-ups sucked, but I think those were a local thing, but the main band really came across brilliantly. I dunno..this was beyond just great, and I have no hopes of ever seeing anything this grand again.

Here's small snippet: https://youtu.be/T0M6OmMw-N0

submitted 11 months ago by bstix@feddit.dk to c/todayilearned@lemmy.ml

My neighbours won't appreciate it.

submitted 11 months ago by bstix@feddit.dk to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
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