
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I don't know what is the problem with cl-lib been loaded in Emacs core. RAM is cheap nowadays. I am loading the entire cl-lib in my Emacs when I build Emacs, no problems noted (been doing this for a while):

In my loadup.el I do this:

;; This file doesn't exist when building a development version of Emacs
;; from the repository.  It is generated just after temacs is built.
(load "leim/leim-list.el" t)

(load "emacs-lisp/gv")
(load "emacs-lisp/pcase")
(load "emacs-lisp/easy-mmode")
(load "emacs-lisp/cl-lib")
(load "emacs-lisp/cl-seq")
(load "emacs-lisp/cl-macs")
(load "help-mode")
(load "emacs-lisp/cl-extra")

In conjunction with this, I have also patched cl-lib.el to remove some unnecessary loading when bootstrapping:

(provide 'cl-lib)

;; (unless (load "cl-loaddefs" 'noerror 'quiet)
;;   ;; When bootstrapping, cl-loaddefs hasn't been built yet!
;;   (require 'cl-macs)
;;   (require 'cl-seq)
;;   ;; FIXME: Arguably we should also load `cl-extra', except that this
;;   ;; currently causes more bootstrap troubles, and `cl-extra' is
;;   ;; rarely used, so instead we explicitly (require 'cl-extra) at
;;   ;; those rare places where we do need it.
;;   )

The reason is I just prefer to have it in loadup.el explicitly so I can see it and comment/uncomment if need be, instead of perhaps forgetting cl-lib.el does it on the bootstrap.

You can make those as patches and apply patches automatically when building Emacs.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

cdlatex is not need it.

The manual says you have to install it:

You need to install ‘cdlatex.el’ and ‘texmathp.el’ (the latter comes also with AUCTeX) from NonGNU ELPA with the Emacs packaging system or alternatively from

The manual I linked you to.

Your stack trace confirms: you don't have cdlatex installed (or not in your path) when you are trying to turn on cdlatex mode with turn-on-org-cdlatex.

If that is the best user experience or not I leave to the interested party to lift in a bugreport/request to org devs, but it is what it is, and is documented in the manual.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

File mode specification error: (file-missing Cannot open load file No existe el fichero o el directorio cdlatex)

The problem is probably elsewhere in your config. Something somewhere is loading cdlatex, which you seem to be missing; soy no hablo Español, but I think that is what the error says.

Either install cdlatex package or fix your setup. Read the manual, about cdlatex and one that comes with org mode. You probably need to sort out your requires and package loading. Have you tried to run Emacs with --debug-init flag?

but the snippets seems to work !

Because cdlatex is not needed for those snippets to work?


If a site asks one to authenticate with some web service like Twitter, Github, Reddit, Goole, etc, how do you do this programmatically from Elisp, if it is even possible to do so? I have looked in the manual and did a web search but honestly, I am lost on this.

I want to automate something and am downloading content from a website, but in order to be able to download it, one has to "sign-in" via some of those above-mentioned, for the content to be generated and served.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Why did you make three threads with the same content?

the new config is synced to the other machines

I don't know man; how do you plan to sync those machines? If you have 4 machines involved, there are always problems with machines being online/offline and talking to each other that you will have to solve somehow. If I were you, I would make a public or private repo on Github and use git to version control your content. You can push/pull from each machine when you make changes and need to propagate those changes. You can potentially automate the process of pushing and pulling via shell or elisp script.

Would that work in practice or are there pitfalls I am not aware of?

The most important thing is to keep eyes on your paths when it comes to documents and packages. I suggest keep all your org files in one directory, say ~/documents or whatever you prefer, and keep all of your Emacs config in .emacs.d, so you can just push/pull the entire .emacs.d. Another thing to keep eye in your config on are external programs, ag, ripgrep, etc. Since you are basically in the *nix world, it shouldn't be too difficult, but there still might be differences where they are found etc; so you might need to keep an eye on paths and which programs you use. You can solve it in different ways, at your discretion, either directly in Emacs setup or in your login shell.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Is this even "viable", or advisable? Should i be looking at common lisp instead? Or would you say that's a pretty dumb idea and i should rather learn it in a different way?

You could have just tried any of previous years of AOC. Just go to their webpage and start doing them.

You can do them in both elisp or cl or any other programming language, including bf. I think elisp works rather well for AOC, but it will really depend on your skills.

You can look on their reddit and see if you can find elisp solutions from previous years to see if anyone has done some AOC challanges in elisp.

How you will learn elisp depends on you. If you are discussing about learning it, you ain't learning it, you are discussing. Programming is very similar to learning a new language, playing music or learning any other new skill. Just go and do anything, and you will learn something.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

It is not so much about other tools or languages not being extensible; most quality ones are extensible. It is about how easy is to extend it since the text editor, debugging tools, and some other useful stuff like shell integration (process control, I/O), networking for example, are built into the extension language.

It is very easy to write a small tool that automates something, like a say project creation for Emacs compared to for example Eclipse, Netbeans, or VisualStudio. Since Emacs GUI is in essence a glorified console, it is relatively easy to integrate CLI, text-based tools with Emacs.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

How rewarding learning Elisp can be?

How rewarding learning anything is?

how exactly can i improve my emacs experience if i learned elisp?

You can program Emacs to do stuff you want it to do, the way you want it to do. It is like asking how can I improve my computer usage if I learn a programming language.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

How can I become a more "proficient" Emacs user?

Just use it. It is that simple.

I also suggest being patient and looking up the documentation and the built-in help whenever you have a problem.

Don't fall into some of the common pitfalls I see people here do often:

Don't insist on super customized Emacs according to your liking from the early beginning. Be patient, and do stuff Emacs way, or live with some more irritated moments, and leave minutiae customization for later, when you are more familiar with Emacs. Emas is to be customized by each and every one and bent to your needs and personality, but it may take some deeper knowledge of Emacs in some areas, so to save yourself some frustration and lots of time, proceed gently at customizing Emacs in the beginning. This will probably be a somewhat controversial tip for some people, but what I mean is, prefer to do the work you have to be done, over how you do it in Emacs. In the beginning, bend yourself around Emacs, and keep in mind, that the more you are used to Emacs, it will be easier and faster to bend Emacs around you.

Yes, there are many tips and stuff accumulated on the Internet, but you can not learn everything at once. With the amount of information available, it is probably better to concentrate on using Emacs to do your work, and focus on exploring only those topics that give you the most in terms of how you perform your work; for example to solve some very irritating thing or to automate something, etc. You don't have to start using Emacs for everything immediately, let it come with the time as you are getting more and more used to Emacs. What might be a killer feature for someone, might not be a killer feature for yourself.

Being popular does not always mean very good. Popularity goes in waves. You can spend all your time just re-learning "popular" frameworks and things. Instead of focusing on which package you should use for this or that; choose one and just use it. Once you find some true shortcoming that irritates you, than look for another package or for tips on how to change it, etc. If you are using Doom, I am quite sure they have already included something that is good for most people. I personally just use whatever is default in Emacs and have had no issues with it; for like 25 years now, or something there and counting.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Looks defunct

It is. You can still use it. There is an implementation that byte compiles with just some minor warnings but EIEIO (a simplified CLOS version) is what is available in Emacs as built-in and there is much more available resources to learn from if you want to use an object-oriented system in Emacs.