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[-] andrewrgross -1 points 1 day ago

Can you explain this reference? Everyone keeps mentioning a Harold, and I see that it's getting upvoted a lot, so I think I'm the only one who doesn't know what this means.

[-] andrewrgross 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I think it's fucked up when people create ideological conditions for personhood. The whole point of fundamental human rights is that we afford them to everyone. It's not like it's an accident that we give them to the very worst people. That's kind of the core concept.

If you're opposed to the concept of universal human rights, I don't love it, but I can accept that. I think that's probably a majority opinion, honestly. But I just feel like whenever someone says that a group of people "aren't people", I think we should make sure we're not tip-toeing around that. It should be out on the table.

[-] andrewrgross 15 points 1 day ago

The fact that there aren't patients seems immaterial. The rules against this aren't predicated on how many patients are inside.

By militarizing the hospital, they've made it a target, which you're not supposed to do. That's essential infrastructure. That's jeopardizing that critical infrastructure by using it as a shield.

It's not good.

[-] andrewrgross 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

You know, part of it is that I grew up drinking in the same propaganda. I GET the arguments.

In one sense, a lot has already ended. I think a lot of people in Israel -- I'm thinking primarily of those we used to think of as non-radical -- are in grief. Not just over Oct. 7, but because they know subconsciously that the good times are over. They were living in a fantasy, and now comes a rude awakening.

Either they accept a far right fascist police state or they give up the dream of unchallenged dominion over what they believe is their birthright. Either way, their dream of a progressive, modern, fully-Jewish state over the whole region was never possible because it required ignoring the reality of millions of unwanted people, and now they're crashing into the hard realization that the dream is dead. I think it's possible for that to be replaced with a new dream that includes equal rights for non-Jews, but that's still going to be a painful process that millions of people will have to be dragged into.

And now I have to witness both the pain of people I related to in some way, and also the reminder of what we're all capable of. These people are tying their brains in knots to perpetuate generational horrors against a subjugated group, like a kid who escaped a childhood of abuse only to grow up and perpetuate the same thing on their kids. And not only that, I'm not naive enough to think I wouldn't be capable of it too. I come from a different circumstance, but if I'd been born there? I'd probably be on board. No one wants to believe this, but most likely, so would you. So would most of us.

Add to all this that I'm also clear-eyed that there are plenty of people who do not have the mental complexity to protect one group of people without dehumanizing their oppressors. I don't really blame them, but I can see that in their heart, they don't really mind mass slaughter, they just have different preferences for who should be on the receiving end. Would they care if it was me? Or my kid? I pray I never need to find out. My plan is to just keep trying to make a world where everyone is safe and hope it works out.

It's terrible to watch on so, so, SO many levels.

[-] andrewrgross 3 points 2 days ago

I agree. I like the kind of dichotomy of how his persona is sort of like a cyberpunk edge-lord, but he's clearly got a very prosocial, constructive, ethical worldview.

That's why I felt like he was a good fit for the game. I have no idea how popular the channel is, or whether people will even recognize that the character is a reference. We'll see.

[-] andrewrgross 3 points 2 days ago

I take it you're a fan.

[-] andrewrgross 3 points 2 days ago

We don't have a union.

I'd like to form or join one, but we don't have one at the moment.

[-] andrewrgross 1 points 2 days ago

It's true, but it doesn't mean I can't feel badly for these people too.

My empathy is not a finite resource.

submitted 2 days ago by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg
submitted 2 days ago by andrewrgross to c/climate

I work for a large biotech manufacturer doing field work. I -- and thousands of other field engineers -- are assigned company cars, which are all ICEs.

I have pointed out in the past that this is a mistake: we should at the very least, allow the engineers the choice to select an electric car from the options provided.

The fleet management team tested this out, but ultimately passed up on the option, because they wanted to shift towards reimbursing drivers instead of managing the fleet. They argued that this met everyone's needs, including allowing employees to drive electric if they want to buy one.

I think this is a big mistake: most people still find the transition complicated when shopping personally, but fleet program can manage a large number of vehicles purchasing, insurance, and maintenance much better, and is better equipped to help people get home chargers if they want. They literally piloted this exact program, and then chose not to expand it.

I want to contact relevant parties and try to assertively communicate that in this moment, we should all be in a war footing. This is an absolute crisis, and the company is clearly looking at simple options to do its part and leaving them unused because it's not aligned with their preferred proposal.

Can anyone help me collect up the shortest, most direct sources to share a five minute slide deck that says, "WAKE THE F*** UP! ROLL OUT THE PLAN YOU ALREADY SET UP AND TESTED, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, PEOPLE!"

submitted 2 days ago by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

Files are here:

If anyone has seen the character Voidstar in the premades and wasn't aware, this YouTuber/Streamer is the real-life guy Voidstar is based on.

[-] andrewrgross 13 points 3 days ago

That sounds like a good start.

I don't think Netanyahu, Smotrich, and Ben-Gvir will like that, because they really hate it when the UN tries to do UN stuff at them, but that sounds like a very appropriate request.

It's going to be awkward to listen to John Kirby explain into a microphone why having peacekeepers from the unarmed peace force standing in the vicinity of a lot of women and children in the area that Biden has insisted the IDF not kill everyone is helping Hamas.

[-] andrewrgross 3 points 3 days ago

I definitely hear it from time-to-time. I often probably hear it without knowing it's her. I heard that song "It's me... HI. I'm the problemitsme. It's me: Hi. everybody agrees..."

As you can tell, it kinda got in my head from repetition a few times, and I didn't know it was hers until long after I'd heard it.

But I don't listen to much music overall. I sometimes pick up CDs from the library to burn to my computer, but I don't listen to Spotify or the radio, so I miss a lot of stuff.

[-] andrewrgross 2 points 3 days ago

Can you think of the coolest thing that you found out about later that you'd dismissed while it was popular?

I can't think of something I actively talked down, but I remember watching Star Trek (TNG) for the first time in my mid thirties (about four years ago) and thinking, "Boy, if I'd known about this while it was on, I'd probably have been obsessed with it."

submitted 1 week ago by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

Antagonist "Gehirnwäsche" (Brainwash)

Cinnamon Telosa, attorney

The Trypnotist

Blind concert promoter Kellsey Vanezulla

submitted 2 weeks ago by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

In one encounter, the players are attacked by a squad of mysterious masked shock troops of some kind. Here is the cyberpunky look I gave them, along with distinct face plates meant to give the characters a way to easily distinguish and describe them.

Here are the other three:

We've got a wiki now! (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

Big thanks to for setting us up with a wiki!

Right now, this is just a repository for game assets. Maps needed to run the first campaign can be easily found on this wiki, along with some other useful files.

If the game happens to be successful enough to inspire people to share their own stories, maps, and other content, this wiki could provide an invaluable central repository of any independently generated content. We'll see.

For now though, I'm really grateful to have such a resource. Again, @poVoq, thanks!

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

This is Deiter Gerhardt, aka "Mentok the Mindtaker!"

Mentok is a primary antagonist in our first collection of adventures. He picked his nom de hack by looking through a list of mind-controlling supervillains from classical literature and chose Mentok because he didn't really understand the contemporary context of who Mentok the Mindtaker is.

I give great thanks to for this fantastic portrait.

submitted 2 weeks ago by andrewrgross to c/

This article describes the little-reported on success that Brown University had in disbanding student protest... by conceding to let activists present a case for divestment at an upcoming hearing before the university's investment board.

There's a lot of interesting considerations. The university did not agree to drop charges against forty students for rule violations, but the charged students themselves voted to accept the agreement under the belief that the overall offer was worth their own sacrifices.

Overall, I personally think this shows the irresponsibly unreported fact that negotiation with a protest IS an option that can serve the interests of both sides far better than state violence.

submitted 2 weeks ago by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

I commented on a post about the book "The Lost Cause", then followed up to mention that our game's setting is built on a similar vision to author Cory Doctorow's in that book. I communicated that we hope our game appeals to a similar audience. And Cory Doctorow saw this, and shared it with his followers!

Cory Doctorow has now officially heard of us, and apparently vibes with our general concept!

Maps! And backgrounds! (
submitted 3 weeks ago by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

I packaged up six combat maps, a couple of maps for navigating regions, and some backgrounds to like dollhouses during play.

It was a lot of work. For each map, there's a PNG file with the hex grid, a PNG without the hex grid, the original SVG for editing, and a PDF containing the map broken into pages that can be printed and then lined up and taped to make the full map with a 0.75" hex grid.

Would anyone check these out and tell me if they look good?

Also: is there a better way to share these? I feel like people might be wary of downloading a 37 MB zip file from a stranger on Lemmy. Would people prefer that the files be stored on a cloud site like Dropbox instead of in a Zip file?

submitted 3 weeks ago by andrewrgross to c/fullyautomatedrpg

I'm back to drawing: I need to replace placeholder art with the final art. This is Duncan Harris, head of the data group at the Aquarius H2 Hydrogen plant.

submitted 3 weeks ago by andrewrgross to c/

Summer Lee cruised to a convincing victory on Tuesday night against a well-financed opponent who had hoped Lee’s outspoken opposition to Israel’s ongoing attack on Gaza would bring the freshman congresswoman down. With most of the vote counted, Lee leads Bhavini Patel with a blowout margin. The race was a test of the politics of Israel–Palestine, as Lee is among the Squad members who called for an early ceasefire and whom AIPAC had been hoping to take out.

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