My first thought was, who rides anything without testing the brakes being the first thing you do. But then I thought some more.
I expect it pisses off Mustang drivers, and that kind of makes me smile. But Mitsubishi calling that blob an Eclipse makes me sad.
Physical, or drm-free, which is DIY physical on your choice of media.
He's got a lot of people for that, though.
I apparently also need the most comfortable chair ever. Which just makes me think of this C&H
Oh, that's right! I forgot that exists. Would have been an obvious guess.
Surely frozen bubble has absolutely nothing to do with bubble bobble.
I think in Finland, food is rarely if at all donated from shops because it would create some opportunities for employees to effectively steal food by marking it as throw away. Same with other items. Also, expired food would be a liability hazard. Surplus or closer to the date stuff can be sold at heavy discounts, though. Unsold things finally just need to be disposed of somehow.
That's what makes the names so hard. Trying to dance them with only two legs.
I guess now is a good time to go scratch behind those greying ears again.
Doesn't have to be either. Someone just had a more specific number.