
joined 1 year ago
[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 1 points 4 minutes ago

Eh. I've had it, and it was fine. I've had the meat heavy full breakfast version too, and it was fine.

Certainly nothing I miss after leaving, nor something to avoid while there.

5/10, bland but sufficient.

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 1 points 21 minutes ago* (last edited 20 minutes ago)

Shift-left eliminated the QA role.

Now we have AI generated shit code, with devs that don't understand the low level details of both the language, and the specifics of the generated code.

So we basically have content entry (ai inputs) and extremely shitty QA bundled into the "developer" role.

As a 20 year veteran of the industry, people keep asking me if I think AI will make developers obsolete. I keep telling them "maybe some day, but today's LLMs are not it. The AI bubble is going to burst, and a few legit use cases will make it through"

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 7 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Could have been one of them newfangled Libertarians, who align 100% with Republicans, but are independent thinkers because they consume "alt" media instead of Fox News.

They might even be mildly against Trump because they're such independent thinkers (translation: contrarian), and may vote 3rd party. That way all of the worlds problems are someone else's fault.

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 5 points 3 hours ago

Yep. He doesn't give a shit. It's just that the leopard is currently eating his (state's constituent's) face, so he has to go against the party narrative. That's it.

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

I remember a narcissists head almost explode when she clowned his rally crowds

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

It means that it doesn't have to be true if it targets people they love to hate.

Tell the masses what they want to hear.

Directionally correct.

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 60 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

Ok. Why don't we just stop sending you more tax money than we receive? We'll just pay for shit ourselves and not pay federal taxes anymore.

We're cool with that.

Your federal tax brackets are reaming us while our cost of living is way higher than the national median anyway.

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 17 points 2 days ago

You might have just triggered someone to kill someone. How dare you say those aggressive triggering words.

You see how dumb that sounds?

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 27 points 2 days ago (1 children)

For the first half year, I had to escort my now-wife down my hallway with a broom or towel to fend of my cat who did not like sharing me.

And she had several cats of her own. When I warned her up front about my crazy cat, she was so cocky.

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Problem is that RCV will only have a chance in deep blue states, and all it would accomplish is reducing the blue representation in congress.

To put it bluntly, all it would accomplish is more in fighting and contributing to the reputation that Dems are ineffective. Except, it would be the "blue aligned coalition" instead of "Dems"

The only real path to making this change is to give Dems a super majority so they can amend the constitution.

And, well, the minority of Red voters have a majority of power thanks to the electoral college, so a super majority is absolutely impossible for the foreseeable future.

Edit - it'd also cause disruptions in States that don't adopt RCV, as "progressives" protest vote 3rd party and sandbag the Dems

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 27 points 3 days ago

Republicans also love to volunteer / run for local elections that oversee these logistics purely because they want to manipulate it in bad faith. It's SOP for them.

Hell, they have even been caught multiple times putting up fake ballot areas, and "helping" non-native English speakers fill out their ballots, and being in full control of delivering those ballots.

Both sides are not the same.

[–] Wrench@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

And numerous. A new ship docking would set a town into a flurry, bringing in trade and money for services. Now at today's scale of everything, one ship is meaningless unless it's something like a giant tourist ship to a small tourist town.

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