I moved from The Chair™ to The Bed™. 35 here.
Thank you for the image, btw
My kindle?
There must be a better way (bluetooth keyboard maybe?)
Well, I was promised that the 3rd book will be out. The description said that Rothfuss had already completed the trilogy and its all in the matter of editing, so I was confident going in thinking the chance of a complete series in the next few years is high. I would never imagined that he would go George RR Martin's route, even Martin had wrote five books in the series.
Yes, when I was single, I only order a slice or two for myself.
it’s the ability to send millions of men to die
Isn't that the whole point of war? See which side ran out of men/women faster.
I'm more talking about your everyday joe and kids.
Atheist here, but have you look into non-Abrahamic religions? Daoism? Buddhism? It might provide a new perspective.