Alice says that the fear response is dangerous because it can get people to get drawn in by reactionaries, but fear is often legitimate. It's a visceral signal to remove yourself from the dangerous situation (such as social media), into a position where you can evaluate your options safely.
Fear becomes dangerous if you are unable to escape it for a long time, if you hold on to it, or if it is misdirected so you end up trying to remove the wrong things. If you are posting about social media about how bad social media is, fear is detrimental, but if you find yourself unable to cut down on social media even though you want to, fear is valid and proportional.
... yeah, it is horrifying how I'm on here spending limited introverted energy speaking with strangers through text, and then don't have the energy to organize stuff with friends offline. I'm gonna go now.
John Brown was a based terrorist. The British Suffragette movement had a bunch of based terrorists. Mother Jones was based, and as much of a terrorist as most of Al Qaeda (i.e. not personally involved in terrorist attacks, but supporting movements that did engage in terrorism).
All you need is a sufficiently abhorrent status quo and terrorists who are otherwise decent human beings.