[-] Temperche 3 points 6 days ago

I think the biggest challenge will be to standardize the scraping process since databases for audiovisual content are very differently structured. Will probably require database-by-database API access/negotiations so that you know how their databases are structured - completely FOSS audiovisual content databases are rare.

[-] Temperche 4 points 1 week ago

I was referring to that you could take ideas regarding UX/UI from it.

[-] Temperche 1 points 1 week ago

https://www.kenmei.co/ may be close to what you want for manga.

submitted 1 week ago by Temperche to c/climate

This German video showcases nicely the consequences of climate change. Why people don't realize worldwide that we need to reduce CO2 NOW to prevent it from getting even worse is an open question.

[-] Temperche 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The good afterlife is only available to them if they have been "good people" while alive, and dying early is not being a "good person". Also, after their death, they supposedly get "judged", and everybody is going to worry about the X number of "sins" that they did during their life that might end them up in hell.

submitted 1 week ago by Temperche to c/energy

Just 10 years ago, landlords could ban you from putting solar cells on your balcony because it makes their building look "messy". Now Germany is really pushing forward to let everybody put solar modules on their balcony with these new laws. How is legalization of balcony solar cells in your country? Is setting up solar modules on your balcony easy or difficult law-wise?

submitted 1 week ago by Temperche to c/energy

Although Germany has massively invested into green energy, the issue is that the electric network has not been sufficiently expanded. This means that solar and wind energy has to be turned off to not overload the network. However, the owners of solar/wind energy still get paid. This means that in Germany, the price of energy will only make up ~50% of the bill. The other 50% are payments for unused energy (to not overload the network) and costs for expanding the electric network (because some regions such as Bavaria refuse to have wind turbines or solar panels "because they look ugly", but still need electric). Lesson: When implementing renewable energy in the rest of the world, we have to keep in mind that we have to massively invest into the electric network as well or it won't work.


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