Is that one Ridin' Spinnaz with the swinging D in the Library of Congress?
Well I mean, technically the eyeliner is permanent because he got it tattoo'd.
It's absolutely not necessary, and not expected, imo. If it's on your mind and bothering you, maybe ask a dentist about options?
2.69/lb in Los Angeles right now. Could get it cheaper if I leave my own neighborhood.
It's always projection.
Like you already said, you're obviously speculating, but I think you might be onto something re: the dad. Dad trauma combined with suicidal's plausible and way more reasonable a motive than a lot of the stuff out there.
Pretty sure the bible says the Antichrist will have a wound on his head that will then heal...
It's easy to get what you want from your party when you want whatever they tell you to want...
He argued "two wrongs don't make a right". So gross.
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