[-] SrTobi@feddit.de -1 points 5 days ago

Never understood this argument. It has nice rethorics but proves nothing. the problem with text prediction != intelligence is that we can't even define intelligence. I hate AI as much as the next guy here, but that doesn't mean we should do lazy assertions and quoting dumb arguments.

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 11 points 1 week ago

Ah yes. This unterelven rethoric justifys the slaughtering of millions of orcs on cataclysmic scale

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 29 points 1 week ago

Low voltage at extremely small sizes: Is there a tunnel there? I see a tunnel there!

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 14 points 2 weeks ago

Sun Tzu says: if you are strong, appear weak. If you are weak, appear strong.

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 0 points 2 weeks ago

Don't know what you mean with no concept of trade? Are you not excited for a minigame mechanic to gamble on Canto Bight to gain access to all the most profitable weapon traders? I in turn cannot wait for this cheapest of all the criticisms of capitalism.

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 26 points 2 weeks ago

May I remind you that "the internet is for porn"

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 1 points 3 weeks ago

Lass die Leute reden und hör einfach nicht hin Die meisten Leute haben ja nichts böses im Sinn

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 50 points 3 weeks ago

It's so sweet when they become aware of the dominance hierarchy 🤗

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 2 points 3 weeks ago

House of the dragon maybe?

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 1 points 3 weeks ago

But I feel after that, she has mostly stuck to physics stuff right?

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 5 points 3 weeks ago

Wait? I thought they had killed the project or at least significantly reduced it in scope? Why still kill for it then?

[-] SrTobi@feddit.de 1 points 3 weeks ago

How dare him not to say that!

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