I believe all Flatpaks incorporate the codecs already.

Flathub even has hardware decoding with the drivers they distribute. However, Flatpak applications need to specifically opt in to ffmpeg-full rather than the normal ffmpeg package, which has support for patent-encumbered codecs.

Fedora Flatpaks, on the other hand, have no such codec support.

Fedora is a top-tier project and I completely understand why they weren’t comfortable risking patent law unnecessarily.


If I cared one wit about either of them, I'd put money on VLC. If only because Star Citizen won't make it before the heat death of the universe.

VLC 4.0 will be released with a massive change in the interface...eventually.

MakeMKV. It's better than anything else.

It might be because one of my monitors is actually a graphics tablet. GNOME's scaling just didn't work in either session such that all three monitors were scaled correctly, but KDE's Wayland session was able to handle it properly. Or at least, the least bad.

I also use Wayland because X11 had some lag when operating the desktop normally (I guess the pros call it "frame-pacing issues"?), whereas only XWayland programs will flicker for my NVIDIA GPU. And games aren't part of that category. I don't use a lot of XWayland applications anymore, so I actually haven't seen the flickering for a while. The Steam client is the absolute worst, but... I've been doing my gaming on Windows lately 😬

I have three monitors and a NVIDIA GPU. I've only been able to get them to work properly on Wayland.

[-] Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

My understanding is that AccessKit is an entirely separate thing to the portal.

Unfortunately, for several things, your choices are X, which is broken by design and few developers QA their software for anymore, or Wayland, which works pretty well in many areas, but where several important (or even basic) features are quagmired by bike shedding. But things are improving really quickly, and part of that is everyone shifting focus to Wayland.

I recently tried to navigate my GNOME desktop via screen reader and did not enjoy the experience. If I ever need it, I hope it works properly by that point...

At least for me, X is a worse experience on every computer I own (including the NVIDIA one), which is why I use Wayland. Neither is problem-free. I'm fortunate enough not to depend on accessibility features; perhaps my opinion would be different then.

[-] Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

GNOME is working on a new Accessibility Toolkit for all desktops, funded by the $1M from STF. It's intended to make accessibility better on Wayland.

Watch thisweek.gnome.org for updates on accessibility; there's usually one. Here's a very recent article about how it's going from LWN: https://lwn.net/Articles/971541/

"At this point, some of you might be thinking 'show me the code'", he said. The audience murmured its agreement. Rather than linking to all of the repositories, he provided links to the prototypes for Orca and GTK AccessKit integration. Campbell said these would be the best way to start exploring the stack.

If all goes well, Newton would not merely provide a better version of existing functionality, it would open up new possibilities. Campbell was running out of time, but he quickly described scenarios of allowing accessible remote-desktop sessions even when the remote machine had no assistive technologies running. He also said it might be possible to provide accessible screenshots and screencasts using Newton, because the accessibility trees could just be bundled with the image or pushed along with the screencast.

The conclusion, he said, was that the project could provide "the overhaul that I think that accessibility in free desktop environments has needed for a little while now". Even more, "we can advance the state-of-the-art not just compared to what we already have in free desktops like GNOME", but even compared to proprietary platforms.

He gave thanks to the Sovereign Tech Fund for funding his work through GNOME, and to the GNOME Foundation for coordinating the work.

There was not much time for questions, but I managed to sneak one in to ask about the timeline for this work to be available to users. Campbell said that he was unsure, but it was unlikely it would be ready in time for GNOME 47 later this year. It might be ready in time for GNOME 48, but "I can't make any promises". He pointed out that his current contract ends in June, and plans to make as much progress as possible before it ends. Beyond that, "we'll see what happens".

Also: https://github.com/AccessKit/accesskit

Here's a smaller sample size (2417 people at the time of writing) but all you need to do is fill in your details on the website: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/users/statistics/

X is at 66% and Wayland is at 33% for GamingOnLinux.

It's pretty good! I wish System Settings was less confusing/overwhelming and it had more graphics tablet options, though.

Yeah, let’s not mention Gnome breaking every peace of itself every update

This is not my experience.


This is an excerpt from a post on the Lutris Patreon page a few months ago:

The slow and consistent decrease of financial support

On a less positive note, I’d like to address the painful direction the Lutris Patreon (and financial support in general) is taking. The current earnings of the Lutris Patreon is about half of what it was in September 2020. This was a time before the Steam Deck when Lutris was far less complete than what it is today.


I fully understand that the current economic situation makes things harder for most to give to open source projects and can’t thank enough all of you who still make monthly donations! I’m slightly hopeful that the introduction of cloud saves in Lutris will change the direction the Patreon has taken. While self hosting your cloud saves with Nextcloud will be the default option, it will also be possible for $5 Patrons to host your saves on Lutris.net.

In any case, working full time on Lutris will soon come to an end since it is not sustainable and I will eventually run out of savings.

You can see a graph of financial support for Lutris on Patreon over time here: https://graphtreon.com/creator/lutris#


This is an excerpt from a post on the Lutris Patreon page a few months ago:

The slow and consistent decrease of financial support

On a less positive note, I’d like to address the painful direction the Lutris Patreon (and financial support in general) is taking. The current earnings of the Lutris Patreon is about half of what it was in September 2020. This was a time before the Steam Deck when Lutris was far less complete than what it is today.


I fully understand that the current economic situation makes things harder for most to give to open source projects and can’t thank enough all of you who still make monthly donations! I’m slightly hopeful that the introduction of cloud saves in Lutris will change the direction the Patreon has taken. While self hosting your cloud saves with Nextcloud will be the default option, it will also be possible for $5 Patrons to host your saves on Lutris.net.

In any case, working full time on Lutris will soon come to an end since it is not sustainable and I will eventually run out of savings.

You can see a graph of financial support for Lutris on Patreon over time here: https://graphtreon.com/creator/lutris#


We will support HEVC playback via Media Foundation transform (MFT).

HEVC playback will be supported via the Media Foundation Transform (MFT) and WMF decoder module will check if there is any avaliable MFT which can be used for HEVC then reports the support information.

HEVC playback can only be support on (1) users have purchased paid HEVC extension on their computer (SW decoding) (2) HEVC hardware decoding is available on users' computer

For now, I'd like to only enable HEVC for the media engine playback, but keep the HEVC default off on the MFT. Because the media engine is an experimental feature, which is off by default, it's fine to enable HEVC for that.

HEVC playback needs hardware decoding, and it currently only support on Windows. HEVC playback check would be run when the task is in the mda-gpu, which has the ability for hardware decoding. On other platforms, HEVC should not be supported.


What if your dev experience was entirely in the cloud?

These days, launching applications means navigating an endless sea of complexity. We felt this pain at Google, so we started Project IDX, an experimental new initiative aimed at bringing your entire full-stack, multiplatform app development workflow to the cloud.

Project IDX gets you into your dev workflow in no time, backed by the security and scalability of Google Cloud.

Project IDX lets you preview your full-stack, multiplatform apps as your users would see them, with upcoming support for built-in multi-browser web previews, Android emulators, and iOS simulators.

As a Vim fanatic, I can't say I'll ever feel comfortable working in a browser, but some parts of IDX seem interesting. I wonder what the implications are for proprietary code.

I do think it solves an interesting problem where you're working on your desktop and decide to move to your laptop and continue working on the same codebase, but don't want to commit early so you can pull down the changes to your laptop.

It reminds me vaguely of Shells.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space to c/japaneselanguage@sopuli.xyz

We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. The main focus is on getting Japanese-only visual novels to work, because they tend to be much quirkier.

This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line.

openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second.

While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable.

If you're interested, start here!

We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too.

I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space. It’s available on our community wiki, https://wiki.comfysnug.space. As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us.

We also have some other pages you may find useful:

  • If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page.
  • If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out.
  • And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.comfysnug.space/post/138679

We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line.

openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second.

While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable.

If you're interested, start here!

We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too.

I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space. It’s available on our community wiki, https://wiki.comfysnug.space. As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us.

We also have some other pages you may find useful:

  • If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page.
  • If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out.
  • And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.comfysnug.space/post/138679

We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line.

openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second.

While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable.

If you're interested, start here!

We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too.

I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space. It’s available on our community wiki, https://wiki.comfysnug.space. As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us.

We also have some other pages you may find useful:

  • If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page.
  • If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out.
  • And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.comfysnug.space/post/138679

We've been working on a guide to help players on all major GNU/Linux distributions play visual novels for the past few weeks. This guide is designed to be used by both beginners and experts, with minimal need to touch the command line.

openSUSE wins the award for "never had to touch the terminal" and "simplest setup instructions", but Fedora is a close second.

While there are a few existing visual novel guides for GNU/Linux around, we've tried to fill in the gaps we noticed. We've put a lot of research into this guide and ensured it is accurate while remaining simple and approachable.

If you're interested, start here!

We have an extensive Troubleshooting section on our Problems page if you're having trouble getting visual novels to work, too.

I wrote this guide with a lot of help from two other people, including /u/neo@lemmy.comfysnug.space. It’s available on our community wiki, https://wiki.comfysnug.space. As with all pages on our wiki, it’s licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0, meaning you’re free to share, remix, and build on the content as long as you credit us.

We also have some other pages you may find useful:

  • If you're looking for something to play, check out our Recommendations page.
  • If you want to know where and how to buy a visual novel you want to play, our comprehensive Buying page will help you out.
  • And if you want to read a visual novel in Japanese, our Reading in Japanese page offers a lot of advice and points you to some useful software to make the process easier.

Wikipe-tan has been the (cutest) unofficial mascot for Wikipedia since 2006. This manga was posted to PIxiv and Wikipedia in 2010 by Kasuga, where he said this:

二年ぐらい昔に、後輩の合同誌で描いたウィキペたん漫画。 (「ウィキペたん」が何か知らない人は、ウィキペディアで検索だ) こんなもん再利用する人はいないと思いますが、 「クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承 3.0」のライセンスで配布してます。 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.ja


The pages on Wikipedia:

  1. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipe-tan_manga_page1.jpg
  2. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipe-tan_manga_page2.jpg
  3. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipe-tan_manga_page3.jpg
  4. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipe-tan_manga_page4.jpg

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.comfysnug.space/post/79947

Anime has slowly grown into a global phenomenon, but visual novels are far more niche. Many visual novels remain untouched by localization companies, and sometimes the localizations we do get are…lackluster.

Often, the best way to experience a visual novel is in the original language—Japanese. Whether you’re already interested in learning Japanese, or want to learn Japanese purely to play visual novels in their original language, both motivations are perfectly valid. Visual novels are a great way to learn Japanese, because you get exposure to both the written and spoken language.

I've written a guide on how you can learn Japanese by playing visual novels with the help of a friend who made some suggestions to improve it, and it's available on our wiki, wiki.comfysnug.space. As with all pages on our wiki, it's licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0, meaning you're free to share, remix, and build on the content.

If you're interested in learning Japanese or have already begun, I hope you find this guide useful. It isn't meant to be a dedicated guide on learning Japanese, but there are some tools you might not know about that will make your life easier.

If you have any additions or corrections to offer for this guide, or are interested in working on our other pages, you can sign up for the wiki here. You'll need to contact Neo on Matrix for a password as emails aren't setup yet (details on page).

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space to c/visualnovels@lemmy.comfysnug.space

I'd like to see a DRM field in VNDB for every release, because I think it would be very useful in many player's purchasing decisions, so I've opened a thread asking for this feature. If I knew a VN wasn't encumbered by DRM, that would be a green light for me to make the purchase.

If any of you have thoughts on this subject or how it might be implemented, feel free to respond on VNDB.

Yorhel has told me:

If there's a good proposal and some discussion on the forums, I have no problems implementing such a feature.

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joined 11 months ago