
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I actually care a lot about those topics and am actively putting in work into my local lgbtq and Palestine protest communities, improving the lives of lgtbq people (like me) and making sure that the Palestinian cause is not forgotten. Through this work I talk with other leftists who care as much about these same topics as me. This puts me in a position where I know what motivates these people and gives me the generational knowledge of historically effective methods of fights for human rights.

I do not shame people into voting for or against anyone. If I did, and shamed everyone who wouldn’t vote for a liberal party like the US democrats, my community would not exist because I would alienate a lot of people who actually cares about these issues.

You are not helping anyone by calling genuine leftists fascists. You are actually closing a lot of bridges by picking fights with anyone who has a different method of fighting and advocating for human rights issues. I am 95% sure that you have not actually researched how to actually use US electorialism to your advantage, and are just repeating the same talking point that we have all heard a hundred times.

You are trying really hard to ignore the facts that lay before you:

  • you will not prevent a trump presidency by convincing people to vote blue no matter who because many US citizens will not be convinced to vote for the democratic party if they do not stop funding genocide
  • democratic politicians have shown year in year out that they care more about hoarding money from big donators than about winning votes by advertising popular leftist policies, and are showing this election that they care more about continuing genocide than ensuring the prevention of a Trump presidency
  • the democratic party has over the past decade consistently moved to the right, and they keep implementing policies that a few years ago they would have used to scare people from the other candidate (i.e. the current horrific border policy that Harris supports as well).
  • the only historically proven way to stop these right extremist policies is by threatening with, and actually going through if demands are not met, extreme monetary losses for the ruling class through a general strike or civil unrest.
[–] -2 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (3 children)

Yeah great way to ignore the fact that the way you vote impacts the political climate on the long term and if you vote for athletes foot today, tomorrow you will be forced to vote for terminal cancer because the alternative genocide. Except the ‘good option’ is already genocide today. Do you even know what you’re saying? Do you care so little about other people that instead of resisting genocide and fascism that you shame others into voting for it?

[–] -4 points 18 hours ago (5 children)

If you actually spend that much time and energy in trying to get the democrats to win the election (I’m not counting online arguments), then I’d say your energy is better spent on protesting the system that is forcing people to choose between two fascist candidates. Because the people currently holding their dem votes because of the genocide are not changing their minds. It is part of being human to not vote for genocide, and forcing people to get rid of that humanity will mean a bleak future for the US in which nothing is too far or too much, as long as there is a scarier alternative.

I would say that if you see better chances in people changing their minds on voting for genocide than forcing the dems to adjust their policies then you are already in the scenario that is your nightmare, and that you should do everything to make sure that there comes an end to the vicious electoral system that forces the US into more right extremism every few years. Harris is supporting Trump by continuing the lies about the dangers of immigration and the need for such a rigid border control that it strips the humanity from everyone affected and forces children to be kept from their parents. How far will the dems move right next election if they win again? And how far right after that? They have already proven that they would rather fund genocide than getting a significant part of their voterbase back, which possibly means allowing Trump to win. They have shown time and time again that they do not actually fear a Trump win, or they would have adopted more popular positions (which are often leftist!).

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