
joined 3 months ago
[–] SolarMonkey 6 points 1 week ago

I feel like if that happened with a human it would be a pretty minor thing to go up in there and smash the egg so you just shit out the shell and stuff. I don’t really see a reason it would have to be fatal, or even really all that big of a deal, if that’s just what human reproduction looks like.

Now if we were using the cloaca in the same way we presently use the vagina, as a birth canal for developed offspring, that would be a different story, but ultimately not all that different from now.

[–] SolarMonkey 17 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Idk, shitting an egg/baby sounds a lot better than present human childbirth..

[–] SolarMonkey 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I mean yeah, obviously I’m pissed, that’s why I mentioned it. They decided to replace part of my driveway because it had drainage lines or something (idfk) raked into it, it wasn’t even cracked. I feel it’s a gross breach of the social contract. At the same time a lot of the areas I’ve lived have treated the sidewalks as public property when it suits the city and private when it suits the city.

There’s just nothing I can actually do about it other than talk to people about it. A lot of people around here are fine with hurting everyone if it hurts the wrong people and boots them out, like me. They just don’t know they think I’m the wrong people, because I don’t “look” like one of their undesirable classes (tho I fit several unrelated to race). I get to hear all their thoughts about what should happen to people like me, and other “undesirables”.

Nobody even runs against conservatives here. And I mean I would run, but I’m so disgustingly unqualified for public service. I’d probably win just for being an alternative, since we have never had any, but then what?

[–] SolarMonkey 6 points 1 week ago

Why not every large company, just for good measure?

Make more than x, or pay your CEO more than y% more than the rest of the employees? Instant breakup!

Society might actually be good!

[–] SolarMonkey 1 points 1 week ago

Climbing down the rope would do the job as well, considering it’s latched to the rim of the basket. Probably be fairly easy, too. Wrap shirt around hands, clamp feet to rope (one above the other so the rope rests between your shoes, which then functions as a brake to slow your slide), and slide down.

[–] SolarMonkey 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

They decided to repair the sidewalks last year, just out of nowhere, and tacked the amount on to your property tax as a special assessment if you didn’t make arrangements of your own to have someone come out and fix it when they wanted it fixed by. Any little crack was enough for them to demand you rip out the whole slab, even though the sidewalks have been in disrepair for over a decade, so they clearly didn’t care before. It was not a fun surprise when the flyer came that basically said “these are the slabs we’ve decided to replace, this is what we are going to charge you, you have to pay the full amount this year.”

And like, I know sidewalks are sort of a gray area, but I already take care of them (clear leaves, snow, etc) and stuff, I shouldn’t also have to privately pay for them to be maintained on my property when I can’t choose not to have them..

So like my area is good for a lot of things, but that definitely isn’t one of them. I’m pretty sure because it’s a conservative area, the money is being intentionally funneled into specific companies doing the work, and they can’t charge nearly as much if the city picks up the tab. Probably friends with or bribing the people making decisions..

[–] SolarMonkey 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

My city just did the lead pipe replacement. I did not do my house feed because I can’t swing 16k 6 months after they announced plans to do it (that’s also fully 1/4 of what I originally paid for the whole house 10 years ago, and I’m still making payments on that -I’m in a very low COL area, 40k is really good pay here, I usually make around 30k when I’m able to work-, so that is a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money for me), cuz yeah the city doesn’t cover from the main line into the house.. (I do have a reverse osmosis unit, however, because I’ve known about the lead pipes since I bought the place, and all my drinking or cooking water goes through that, so I’m not like consuming lead all the time, just microplastics..)

When I told them I can’t afford it because I’m unemployed and disabled, they told me I should just take out a loan for it. Yeah, because that’s a great idea when you don’t have money or know when you might… increase your monthly money needs! Brilliant! They then said I’ll have to do it by 2028 or my water will be shut off… cool, that makes me feel a lot better about being fucking broke.

So like I’m totally on board with replacing them, but holy fuck does it suck for the affected areas. To say nothing of 4 months of constant structure-shaking construction.

[–] SolarMonkey 31 points 1 week ago

That’s basically what “I’m a social drinker” means, so you can just say that.

[–] SolarMonkey 15 points 1 week ago

Can you drop me there first, please?

I promise to be suitably wowed. Also, I’ll film them for you. Sacrifices for the greater good or whatever.

[–] SolarMonkey 2 points 1 week ago

I’ve gotten a lot of crap from conservatives this year. First time that’s really happened. Usually just get stuff from dems.

So I’m leaning toward they didn’t buy targeted data, they just bought the cheapest data they could. They may have no idea who their likely voters are.

[–] SolarMonkey 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

It’s ridiculous that we means test our safety nets at all, instead of providing for all and just clawing back from those who don’t need it at tax time, or giving people who make above a certain amount (like idk 150k single 200k married?) the option to pay it back through W-2 tax automatically, similar to claiming exemptions and stuff. It would be easier, and achieve the same outcome, but would help a ton more people, as targeted support tends to be socially stigmatized, in addition to nearly guaranteeing a life of extreme poverty to use.

Heck, with the number of people we need to handle current social safety net programs, there’s a solid chance it would be cheaper to just give it to everyone.

[–] SolarMonkey 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Of varying usefulness, yes.

If they melt too much, or the resulting melt is too thin, like straight coconut oil, they won’t stay in place long enough to do much.

The best fats for balms are solid or semi-solid at human skin temp, often blends of wax and whatever lipid. Or petroleum jelly. I’m not sure how that’s classified..

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