
joined 1 year ago
[–] 53 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

Being a scientist myself, this argument is not very good. The believer can just say that god created lead as well, and didn't wait for it to be created by decay. If god can create a universe, why shouldn't they be able to create some lead?

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 14 points 3 weeks ago

So that's where the term concubine originates from.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm very sorry. I'm actually not sure if there is any ending, I just know what was written in the FFFs.

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago

People say that everything before becoming a parent yourself is just extended childhood. Can partially confirm. If the kid is with someone else, you can also be a child again.

[–] 21 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I always carry a USB stick in my backpack in case I need to install Linux.

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)
[–] 31 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

The factory must grow!

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Noone young in Germany even knows what they are called, since everyone is playing french nowadays.

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Free meals a whole season? Why not just move next to it and never have to worry about cooking ever again?

[–] 41 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Arguably, an unborn baby cannot be guilty of anything. But an adult sentenced to death is often guilty of some horrible crime. So if you accept killing as a punishment, there is no contradiction.


Die Polizei rief die Bürger zudem auf, in Onlinenetzwerken oder auf anderen Kanälen "keine Falschmeldungen zu verbreiten, insbesondere keinen Bezug zu einem Terroranschlag herzustellen". Der Polizei würden hierzu derzeit "keine Erkenntnisse" vorliegen. Die Tatverdächtige sei polizeibekannt. Die Frau sei deutsche Staatsangehörige. Nach Informationen der Nachrichtenagentur dpa gibt es Hinweise auf eine psychische Erkrankung der Frau. Die Ermittlungen dauern an.


I have read people write and heard people say words like "jobmaxing", "hobbymaxing" and stuff like that. I guess I understand what these words mean, but I am confused as to where the "...maxing" thing comes from.

I had totally normal people talk to me like this, but I also somehow connect it to Andrew Tate and people like that. Is using these words - to you - a telltale sign of a guy who has issues with women? Or is it something you also would say in a normal conversation (assuming you treat women with respect)?

And does anyone know where these terms originated from?


Right now, Callisto Protocol is available for free on the epic games store.

Looking at their marketing, it reminds me a lot of Dead Space. Starting from the immersive UI with the health bar on the players suit, to that sign in the trailer that tells me to shoot the limbs of the enemies. And I mean, the enemies don't look that different, basically some kind of aggressive infected zombie thingies. And then, the whole setting seems so similar: a space outpost being overrun by some kind of zombie virus.

Did anyone here play both Dead Space and Callisto Protocol? Did you find them very similar?


Und obwohl sie eine Stunde und 15 Minuten später anfangen würden, hätten sie zur selben Zeit frei wie früher.

Das ist (meiner Meinung nach) der springende Punkt.

Ansonsten geht man einfach später ins Bett, und dann verschiebt sich der Rhythmus, und dann ist wieder alles wie vorher.

Wichtig anzumerken ist, dass das ganze an Privatschulen getestet wird. Und die haben finanzielles Interesse daran, dass sie sich so positiv von staatlichen Schulen abgrenzen können.


In den sozialen Netzwerken ist eine Grafik unterwegs, die suggeriert, dass es in Ländern mit Tempolimit mehr Verkehrstote auf Autobahnen gäbe als in Deutschland. Die Zahlen sind jedoch aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen.

Vielleicht bräuchten wir doch mal ein Gesetz welches die Erstellung von Falschinformation in politischen Zusammenhängen bestraft.

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