
joined 1 year ago

So I know next to nothing about programming, coding, development etc. but I was wondering if it’s possible to mod a Pokémon go plus?

Not to be confused with the Pokémon go plus PLUS

Now I don’t know if anyone here plays to understand this, but It’s the basic version that you can click the button to spin stops, catch Pokémon, and track steps with your device locked.

Now after using it for a bit I’ve noticed there are things that it COULD do that it doesn’t. first when you catch a Pokémon/spin a stop successfully it flashes rainbow- so I know the rgb capabilities are there.

On to my main question: is it possible to program/mod/code/tweak/whatever you’d prefer to call it the Pokémon go plus to add extra features from the app? Even if that just corresponds to push notifications?

So far all it can do is- • vibrates • flash blue for a poke stop/new Pokémon, green for a previously seen Pokémon, red for fleeing Pokémon/out of range poke stop and rainbow for successful catch/successful poke stop spin.

What I’m curious to try to add- • flash yellow for egg that’s hatching( and click button to hatch) • flash blue for Pokémon that returned home from gym •cycle rainbow from receiving gifts from friends

Not sure it can be done but I’m curious nonetheless

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

Thank you! This did actually help a lot. I think its my brain getting a case of the ick when the physical representation doesn’t match my mental image. Later I’m going to try to work on it a bit and I’ll just keep making sure to say “you’ve at least got something and something is progress.”


To get to the point, I’m currently working on a manga and I’ve just come to a grinding halt and can’t really find the motivation to continue the project…I feel like I work on the story constantly progressing in my head and jot down notes but when it comes to thinking of how to bring my vision into the world, nothing feels adequate or satisfying. I’ve gone over it a bunch of times since the beginning: should I make it a manga? An animation? Should I just submit it to some studio to probably never see the light of day, and if it should; then not see a dime? Should I commission help? I’m too poor for that so, can’t do that. so I’ve just been hand drawing crappy panels in a basic storyboard-esque manner just to get the point across. Now, I’ve been out of touch with drawing for a long long time and idc what anyone says; it does NOT come to you like riding a bike. I’d almost be happier with stick figures at this point.. Usually when all of that starts going through my head I tell myself “look at how one punch man originally started” and it gets me through a page or two, but the past few days I just can’t find any real motivation to pick up my book and pencil….I wish better luck to others working on things right now.

anyway thanks for taking the time to read my ridiculousness.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So I’m brand new here by a few days. I was banned from Reddit entirely after forgetting what account I was on and commenting in a fallout sub I wan banned from. The mod from said fallout sub refused to believe this was an accident, (I thought I was in a completely different fallout sub with a similar icon) said my appeals were considered “argumentative”and pulled the “I’m also an admin” card. Now every account I make gets perma-banned from all of Reddit within 6 hours of being made. Kills me. It’s more a deep void to me not because I just can’t use it considering the mindless monotony of most subs, but because I like to create and my sole platform to share anything I make was ripped from me by some neckbeard that was given a smidgen of power. Still, I never answered your question so; it hasn’t. Yet. I just found lemmy and am hoping it’ll be a great place to fill that void but only time will tell.