[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 2 points 58 minutes ago

I think it heavily depends on where you live. In a country like china you just need to have the wrong belief and your existence itself becomes illegal

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 hour ago

The lower one is from one of the newer planet of apes movies

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 6 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

I have used a lot of different distros and I never had dependency problems whether on Linux mint, Debian, open suse or fedora. And yes, this can be a problem, especially on distros like Manjaro, but you still can use flatpaks/appimages/snaps and don’t deal with dependencies at all. NixOS and all rolling release distros can be great but they are not meant for people who are not ready to troubleshoot their system at any time. If you stick with a more stable distro like Debian you will most likely get a more reliable system then with windows.

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 day ago

It is there on a new profile in the fedora package. Maybe something fedora enables?

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 4 points 1 day ago

I don't have nay extension installed that interacts with containers. In settings I enabled container tabs under general and if I right click on the new tab button I can open a container tab, so it appears to be built in. I can also create custom containers for example I have one for google services. So if I understand you correctly the extension doesn't do anything else special?

Multi account containers (sh.itjust.works)

So I've been using Firefox's container function for a while now and recently discovered the multi account container extension. What does this add over the built in containers? I've seen a lot of people say they need multi account containers but are disappointed that it's an extension so I'm curious what it adds.

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Solution: remove human

That’s what a lot of news sites are doing, getting rid of large parts of the employees and having the remaining do the same work with LLM. If you burn the no longer needed employees as an alternative heating solution your energy usage drops effectively to zero

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

So the solution for signals problems is a matrix based app that doesn’t even have passcode rekeying? Also it seems like the source code of the app isn’t available and they literally advertise that they will hand over to the government on request

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

Until apps allow to install ubo I’ll stick to a browser instead of having less control than with manifest v3 and chrome/ium

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

Doesn’t floorp have some weird licensing thing going on?

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

Originally there was KHTML, developed by KDE for the konquerer browser. This was then forked by Apple to WebKit which is used by safari and gnome web. Google then forked WebKit to blink, the browser engine chromium uses.

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 days ago

I don’t watch TechLinked but maybe they just had the same idea

[-] RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works 4 points 3 days ago

Onetab is recommended by Firefox, so it gets monitored for security in some form, but regarding privacy it sends your visited domains to google to get the favicons but the rest of the privacy policy seems very good. As with any proprietary software, you can not really know if it is safe, you just have to trust it. As an alternative I would recommend Tab Stash, it does the trick for me

Most used utility rule (sh.itjust.works)

For those interested

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by RmDebArc_5@sh.itjust.works to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

So with the recent Bing situation I wanted to take a second look on private search engines and sharing my conclusions of each search engine. Here is my list of private search engines:


I really like Duckduckgo, it has all important tools, decent result quality and a great image search function. Instant answers is very useful. My main problems are the reliance on Bing as the index and the choice of Apple Maps as mapping solution. Apart from the situation with the browser and Microsoft tracking Duckduckgo has a pretty clear record and the privacy.


Startpage is another great option. Apart from mapping everything is there and, while not as good as Duckduckgo's, the image search engine good. The results are based on google and on par to better than those of DDG. The main advantages over DDG are European base (Netherlands) and the anonymous view, which basically functions as a quick access VPN, but sadly breaks ad/tracker blockers. Privacy for regular search is equal to DDG, but you have to disable JS to get rid of some telemetry. It is owned by an advertising company


Swisscows is okay. It is also Bing based, but slightly worse than DDG results. It lacks image search filters and mapping, but offers a music search which allows you to listen to ad free music. It also has an anonymous view, but it's not interactive. Privacy is similar to DDG, but has more telemetry and (temporally) stores your IP. It is from Switzerland, it also has a very strict anti gore/porn policy that sometimes makes normal search terms inaccessible.


Qwant used to be very solid French search engine, has dropped in quality. Similar search quality to DDG, image search like Startpage. They use Bing in combination with their own index. Then problems: They share your IP with Microsoft and they replaced their main advantage, openstreetmap based independent mapping service, with AI summary's that require an account. Worse privacy than all the above.


Very similar to DDG. The main differences are that Ecosia is based in Germany, it plants trees to fight climate change, but also forwards your IP to MS.


Braves main advantages are being independent, both with the search and the AI, and the goggles that allow you to customize your results. Search results are slightly better than DDG, image search is bad, no mapping is available. Brave has had invaded privacy in the past, but currently the privacy is good as long as you disable statistics. The company itself is a bit concerning and the CEO is homophobic.


SearXNG is self hosted and open source, it uses various search engines as index and has a ton of extra feature like music search, fediverse search and a bunch more. While it has the most features and best privacy of all options, public instances are sometimes slow and the results aren't really good.


Kagi is in principle a decent quality search engine, but it is paid and has some problems that are only getting worse. For those interested read this blogpost.


4get is a open source, self hostable search engine. It acts as a web scraper for various search engines, also supports Soundcloud. It has great privacy and good results, but it lacks mapping and the official instance requires a CAPTCHA per 100 searches


Yep is an independent search engine. It is private and has good results, but lacks image search tools, video search and mapping.


Decentralized independent search. It has good results but lacks image search tools, is sometimes unreliable and has intrusive advertising

A quick fire round of search engine that have decent privacy, but I wouldn't use due to result quality:

Ekoru Like Ecosia, but for cleaning oceans, Bing based, few features, requires extension.

Whoggle Like SearXNG, but with less features.

Metager Meta search engine with multiple search back ends, mainly Bing (Yahoo), completely powered by renewable energy

Mojeek Independent UK search engine with few additional feature, is supposed to be unbiased

LibreX/LibreY Like Whoggle

AstianGO Slightly modified version of LibreX by the Devs of the Midori Browser

Ghostery German independent search engine, regular web only, offers tracker analysis for websites

Stract Open source, self hostable, independent search engine

Lilo Like Ecosia, but with fewer features and the option to support various projects

YouCare Bing based search, shares your IP with MS, does "good deeds", some missing features

Giburu Google based proxy search

Gigablast Open source, self hostable, independent search engine

Mwmbl Open source, independent, self hostable search engine. Only web results

Marginalia Open source, independent, self hostable search engine. Only web results, offers filters

That would be my list. I'll still be sticking with Duckduckgo but I'd reconsider if Startpage improves it image search. Brave will probably never be my default, but it has proven it's role as a more private backup. Comment if I missed any search engine

Search engines I didn't include due to horrible privacy Bing/Google/Yandex/Yahoo/You/Baidu

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