[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 3 points 2 hours ago

Meta didn't put their garbage software onto Oculus products until after the Rift S came out. Meta is already about to drop support for the Rift S. The hardware was still Oculus branded, and the software was still Oculus software. I also had a DK1 and DK2, but skipped the CV1.

The point is, I am not buying a new Meta headset. The one I have is the last one I get from Meta, and after this one breaks I am going to a different brand.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 9 points 14 hours ago

If there was law that forced the developer to include server binaries so players could host their own servers at EoL, this wouldn't be such a big blow for owners.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 34 points 14 hours ago

I won't buy anything with Metas name on it. I got my Rift S until it breaks, then I am going to a different brand.

Oculus sold out and left us all out to die. They can bite the curb.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 5 points 23 hours ago

It is a digital software that people can use to make digitally animated films. It utilizes a video game engine developed by Valve called Source.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 37 points 1 day ago

I dont hate them because theyre inconvenient. I hate them because there are so many of them. I don't want more bloatware.

Include the necessary binaries to access your servers in the game's master executable, its not hard.

Who defines toxic behaviour? Is that definition clearly stated to players in a way that is not hidden? Is every report case of toxic behaviour carefully reviewed by a human?

This is an interesting idea but I can totally see this being maliciously abused.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Assuming OP is talking about Trump, this would take place in the USA. So because they are in the USA, they would also need to prove the things said were actually false, that the things said were said with malicious intent, and that what was said was not protected such as something protected by the first amendment.

Winning a defamation case is very, very hard in the USA. Its not like Japan where the law literally gives away wins because you don't even have to prove that what was said was false. The USA requires a lot of things be met in order to even qualify as defamation.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I dont mean that it looks janky because the animations are expected to be some sort of action game animations, thats not it at all. The animation quality itself is just not good. Like, the original had less stiff or awkward looking animations in some cases. Particularly in the transitions between animation states and some of the hit animations for the metal pipe, for example. The point of survival horror, and its main distinguishing point that makes it different from action horror, is that combat is not meant to feel good or satisfying. A good survival horror game will make the player more often than not choose to not engage in combat. Its better to save health and not waste time. But this remake just throws that out the window I guess.

Flesh Lips battle room is like 3 times bigger than it originally was. The locker room you get the bent needle in is needlessly larger than the original. The room you use the bent needle and hair to get the key in is no longer just a shower room but some random utility room with a shower in the corner for some reason. Marias leapord print skirt is gone, with her midriff covered and the important large butterfly/moth tatoo shrunk and moved up to her chest. All these random changes that were entirely unnecessary.

Have you seen what they did to Angela? They haven't even shown Eddie. Not a single frame of Eddie literally anywhere. They have mishandled every face in the game, I am afraid of what they did to Eddie.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

It doesn't look any better. Stiff animations, no idea who thought Angela was supposed to look like that.

Like, I don't even want to pirate it. I can't believe I am saying this but Gans' movie looks more faithful to the original than the remake. They changed like literally everything.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 18 points 3 days ago

No, it just shows that we shouldn't trust everything published by a company.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

The girl version of GUNHED.

[-] RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Consoles and Gaming PC parts (GPUs especially) are increasing in price at a time when people are struggling to pay their bills. $70 for new games now, or you can pay $120 every year, but you don't own anything. I meanz, you also don't own the $70 games either, but you extra don't own games on a subscription service. Old games are there and fine, but in comparison to the current economy, where inflation around the globe is higher than it has been on average since video games were really a thing, new games are a very expensive hobby.

Directly dollar for dollar, it may be comparable, but taking the economy into picture, games in the past were cheaper. Especially considering how much revenue video games generate now. Prices should be lower, but expected infinite business growth from shareholders is preventing that.

Also who said Ferrari's are designed for 20 year olds?

Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari, did. He didn't specify exactly 20 year olds, but his quote was "I build cars for young men that only rich old men can afford." Or something similar to that effect, as the quote would have been originally in italian.


I am getting kinda sick of constantly not being able to post comments on seemingly random posts due to this error.

The instance is English, the post title is English, and my comment is in English. I have even logged into my instance website to change the language settings to have both "Undetermined" and "English" selected, and that still doesn't work. Not all posts have this problem, and not even posts in just one community or instance. Seems like the error is completely random.

I have to imagine this is an error specific to Connect for Lemmy, since I don't get the same error if I comment from my web browser. It seems to come from Connect for Lemmy not having an option to set the comment language when posting? Can that be corrected please?

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