I was digging LMDE until my 8GB of ram simply couldn't handle the load and I'm in AntiX now. Honestly, I've watched Mint go from being immature and insecure to security leaders without losing their accessibility. Solid and incredibly important distro if you ask me
Hopefully you've tried another distro by now, and also know to avoid big corporate distros best you can
They've never given me the vibe that that reversal of course was permanent, or that other things they do aren't similarly anti-user
16 year old rapidly putting their dick away
she is, and always has been, at best an out of touch accelerationist, and at worst a fascist sympathizer and collaborator
And it all started with a pool table in River City
Donald Trump is a terrorist. His weapon is his followers' loyalty
This? This is what you want to do with all that CFB goodwill?
One phone call and a literal act of congress...
Fair enough. I wasn't including the unionization efforts because I thought that was after Andre's time, but it was a couple years before his retirement
Hulk Hogan was close personal friends with someone that raped Andre the Giant's best friend. Also keyfabe got Andre needing to say the thing because that's how the business works. But also its easier to make your keyfabe hatred of someone believable when you actually factually hate that person. Which in this case Andre the Giant did
Literally any voting system other than the one we use is an improvement.