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[-] Quill7513 1 points 1 month ago

Having no masters would be exactly the aim. Ultimate power should lay in the hands of the people and government should only exist to serve the will of said people. I don't fully know what that should look like but I can say for sure we've tested a lot of ideas that aren't that, and that we should try some new things because what were doing now isn't working.

[-] Quill7513 3 points 1 month ago

Continuous community organization and demonstration. Systematic election reform. Solidarity

[-] Quill7513 10 points 1 month ago

The dumbass bought a thing that the strongest and most valuable thing it had to offer was brand recognition and immediately eliminated the branding.

[-] Quill7513 3 points 1 month ago

We've tried that. What's prone to happen is the corporations spend money to the municipalities to deregulate. Let's stop giving them the chance. It hasn't worked. Let's instead go back to treating utilities as publically beneficial

[-] Quill7513 4 points 1 month ago

You fundamentally misunderstand what people are calling for. The aim of making utilities public isn't the enrichment of a small few, its to spread the benefits of society to all who contribute. The core of this is that we want responsible accountability and the best way to do that is to operate with a communal mindset. One in which if we find a political officer is abusing their position of power we can remove them and restore the material wealth stolen to who it belongs to. You're so used to operating in a system where positions of power go to the already wealthy that you're assuming that's what we're still calling for. Collaborative cooperation has become such a foreign concept to you that you're completely ignoring that we're saying utilities and services should enrich no one but society as a whole

[-] Quill7513 1 points 1 month ago

No for sure. But people were treating it like it might be legitimate

[-] Quill7513 5 points 1 month ago

Meanwhile FedEx consistently says I wasn't home when they tried to deliver which is highly interesting because I work from home and never leave my neighborhood on workdays. If they tried to make a delivery I'd see the truck. They just leave the "we missed you" post it without ever ringing the bell or knocking at the door

[-] Quill7513 4 points 1 month ago

I find no reputable sources reporting his death

[-] Quill7513 1 points 1 month ago

I've landed on it as the best blend of accurate and not terrifying for security

[-] Quill7513 10 points 1 month ago

They have three choices of API to use. One of which is NOAA whose data license is compatible with F-Droid's free network resources definition

[-] Quill7513 1 points 1 month ago

Sounds like you're lucky and Allison got stuck with a dud. I know it hurt, and probably still does, but there's Someone out there who values you for you and loves you unconditionally. When you find that person it'll probably still hurt to think about Ben, but mostly because of the time and emotional energy you gave him that he wasted

[-] Quill7513 49 points 1 month ago

It would benefit a social cause that is near and dear to his heart: making Mark Zuckerberg extremely wealthy

submitted 10 months ago by Quill7513 to c/

Posting from my alt account because file uploads seem to still not be working on beehaw

For the screen readers: This is a very small preying mantis that was on my door this morning. It is about the length of my first finger's first bone (the finger tip).

submitted 10 months ago by Quill7513 to c/

Lionir elected to prevent any potential data leaks by shutting down Beehaw until the issues and are identified and resolved

submitted 10 months ago by Quill7513 to c/technology

Not much to add. Saw it in another technology forum and thought it also belonged here for the solarpunks

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