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[-] 46 points 1 day ago

Poorly thought-out Facebook posts are forever; coverage of city council malfeasance from two years ago, not so much.

submitted 3 days ago by to c/

Archive link

Oh, and restoration of firearms rights.

[-] 3 points 4 days ago

Fixed the hed. Archive link should be viewable.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by to c/

Archive link

(hed fixed to 19)

submitted 4 days ago by to c/
[-] 2 points 5 days ago

I've enjoyed milk for the flavour and texture only once: the semester I lived across the street from a dairy. To this day, in the weird circumstance I have milk in the fridge for cooking, I shake it vigourously.

Much of it is about sourcing and practices. Raw milk is not inherently dangerous, and we'd be out a whole world of cheeses if they had to be made from pasteurized.

[-] 3 points 5 days ago

I'm not really aware of anyone still shooting porn after 15 years outside of HKJ, and if I'm being honest, I'm not entirely sure she was active yet ... it was a different time.

It was also damn near impossible to monetize back then (self-host, find payment processor overseas that took 30% minimum, self-advertise), especially anything outside of male-centric boring shit you've seen a thousand times, which led to more of a discovery process and a tighter-knit community for those shooting or appearing in kink.

I'm glad she's doing OK after just an event, but I never found myself wondering why she didn't post anymore.

[-] 8 points 5 days ago

I'm aware of the cliche. What is why I drove from Portland to Tsawwassen on Thanksgiving night 1999 to catch the ferry over to Vic and bring my Canadian girlfriend down for the rest of the weekend.

I just thought that would be the end of it.

[-] 12 points 5 days ago

She felt it was preferable to still having anything tying her to her father. For valid reasons.

The collar is just inexcusable. I hope for the sake of my neck that it's gotten a bit duller over the years.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/

The universe has a strange way of fucking with one. In my experience, long and frustrating lulls where nothing happens are punctuated with "oh, you didn't like that? Well, here's everything at once."

I should open with that I am not looking for advice; I've already made up my mind. I'm looking to commiserate and vent.

Requisite backstory: Through a series of events much like what I described with getting back into journalism not too long ago, we met. This required my former boss, the lesbian who was my first real girlfriend, my parents, friends of my parents having moved to Oregon and, oh yes, I-5 freezing the day after said boss was done with me couchsurfing and we disagreed over "by the weekend." She was on the coast and I needed to get to Tacoma two days later.

We'd been talking on OKCupid for at most two weeks. I looked at my options and determined nonfrozen roadway would be preferable, so I sent a very short message: "Fancy a visitor?"

This was 2009, and she felt it was safe because to her mind, there was no way I was straight (bleached hair at 30, amirite?). We've now been divorced for eight years. I'm not going to talk about what went right or wrong. It is firmly in the past, and we have worked in recent years to get back on speaking terms, which varies in efficacy, usually depending on her inebriation level, which is itself horrifically ironic.

So, after she offered to mail me an ounce in April and then went completely silent, with no ounce showing up, she finally popped up last night. She's about an hour away through the week before likely heading to Connecticut for an unknown period of time. No car -- she's going to figure out the transport down here -- but nonetheless, distilled, knowing that I live in a van with a bed too small for two people who aren't fucking: "Fancy a visitor?"

And the reality is I do. Said that once before ...

But wait, there's more! I'd already interacted with her in 2004, when she had a different account. Learned that one the day I moved into her house five days after meeting (which was a drive) and she showed me an old photo. Of her. Wearing what's in retrospect a rather pedestrian collar for something that actually has cone spikes.

I can only say this in retrospect, because I went full Paul Hogan for the wedding after commissioning two artists: That's not a collar ...

She fucking wears her wedding collar to this day (you want it to last, you want a blacksmith; also, be aware that a leather backing can cause cysts). And kept my name. So, you know, it's not entirely out of the blue that after all this time ...

It's the surprise of it all. Even though it really shouldn't be surprising. So, maybe it's just the timing.

[-] 23 points 5 days ago

Worth noting: this is 90% effective for HSV-1, but not tested on HSV-2. That's on their radar for research. It's nonetheless a breakthrough, and the Hutch has pulled off some interesting things in the past, so I'd imagine they'll get there.

[-] 19 points 5 days ago

Sure as fuck happened to journalism. Except they had the balls to offer buyouts instead of just saying "your service counts for nothing unless I see the back of your head every time I meander around with a coffee mug."

The truly absurd bit of it to me is absent Covid, already working remote for years would not have been a problem. I went remote in 2016, and there's no fucking way I'd be like "oh, the recent grads you hire to chew and spit out are an issue for remote? Sure, why don't I restart the pointless thing of driving for an hour and a half a day with concomitant fuel costs, having to choose my food for the entire day at 7 a.m. or paying four times as much, and generally being more surly in my personal life so that you, dear boss, can prove you have something to do?"


I hate to go as cliche as "surprising absolutely no one," but really, this is not a surprise.

[-] 10 points 6 days ago

If you know, you know.

[-] 12 points 6 days ago

How impressive this is will hinge on whether there were any shenanigans behind the demos. I find it difficult to take breathless announcements at face value given recent issues.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by to c/
[-] 4 points 1 week ago

I have been trying for so many jobs, and I never qualified in tech. I'm trying to determine what this now looks like. Journalism is this sort of thing where there is a substantial wall at roughly Sept. 10, 2001.

From here, those aware of how shit worked up to there was not ideal.

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

Dunning-Kruger applies when you aren't already competent.

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

I've never been a reporter.

You might think this is how one gets into journalism, but there are a few roads. Mine was columnist, copyed, opinion editor, running the fucking paper.

As I start my third week as a reporter, there's much that is just strange. My reporters never deigned to tell me I was wrong, but I frequently tell my editor as much.

"Look, we don't have a story here until DOE links what was in the press release" is apparently competence. Like, this is just obvious. No, I don't need praise for pointing out a glaring hole in a story.

I just wake up and am myself, and I'm somehow paid for this. Given all the bullshit surrounding corporate roles, I'm left agape at how this still exists and my ability to just slide into something I've never done.


Surely the clearest path to retaining only the best.

submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/
submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/

Archive link

So, this isn't news, nor is it science, per se. But I wanted to share here because I was one of those kids from about 2 to 4. As mentioned in the story, it of course all faded thereafter, but I could talk at length about my life in Texas even though I had never been. My parents found it odd but not entirely outside expectations.

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