[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 11 points 31 minutes ago

Steam puts the player peak for the episode release at just 559 players, and it’s down to peaking under 500 even on the weekend here.


I did this during the pandemic! Made like $20 (one person) after a year.

It wasn't about the money. But more about doing something consistent and building a tiny community. We're friends on discord now.

I dislike the smell of Fenugreek in people.

In food, it's fine. But if you cook with it, it lingers on your clothes. And that bothers me.

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 18 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Hard to answer your question because it's a mixed bag.

As tech gets cheaper, it gets easier and easier to do malicious things.

On the small scale: I used to host my tech blog on a rinky dink raspberry pi.

I was getting hundreds of funny bot visits a hour, as they try to pen test and find any vulnerabilities. And that was after I set up some tools to block weird IPs. Two years ago, I was getting thousands, and the numbers kept growing. It didn't hit a point where user experience was taking a hit, but at some point it will.

I could get a beefier system (more expensive), or I can just sign up for cloudflare. And now the management of that layer is handled by Cloudflare, so I can focus on coding.

Now to talk About the enterprise level: same thing but hundreds of times more. We were actually getting DDos. We originally didn't want to use Cloudflare, and instead use in-house solutions. But after a hefty trial and seeing our AWS expenses skyrocket, we swapped to Cloudflare.

Signed up, swapped over to Cloudflare, and instant uptake. We are also paying a fraction compared to our in-house solution.

It sounds like a freaking ad for cloudflare.

But one thing I don't like is Cloudflare can easily monopolize the internet. As we all switch, Cloudflare now has a lot of power to tell sites to fuck off if they don't like their content. Cloudflare hasn't yet. They keep up White Power websites and racist shit. But they have taken down calls of violence and online gambling.

If you have your day ruined by Cloudflare, I'm going to either assume you run a bot network, you're trying to do something incorrectly, or you are part of the dark web.

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 4 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Curious, I looked it up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesticated_silver_fox

It was done in the 50-90s. So I think we should take another stab at it, now that we know more science!

Eeeh you know my feelings about them

Remind me what 1999 films were like?

Good? Bad?

The guy knows that as long as he keeps his head down and serve pancakes, nobody is going to harm him.

Japan is obsessed with different flavored kitkats.

I wish I saw something like this.

I was going to argue against this but you have a point.

I was originally going to call out the Linux laptops selling worse, assuming that people were more comfortable with Windows.

But Chromebooks sold a LOT. So maybe the average consumer doesn't care as long as the laptop is easy to use.

I'd argue it's awesome because it's a great product that lets you play games on the go.

The huge win is that its running on Linux, and valve contributes to open-source with Proton!

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 3 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

I worked with some 50yo gay black men who shared how deeply that had to hide who they were for decades. Even in the 90s, there was violent assault because you were gay. Police frequently turned a blind eye.

People say things like "Just leave people alone" and yet someone come out of the closet, and they want them removed from society.


Dougan, a former Marine and police officer, fled his home in Florida in 2016 to evade criminal charges related to a massive doxxing campaign he was accused of launching against public officials and was given asylum by the Russian government. Most recently, Dougan has posed as a journalist in Ukraine’s Donbas region, testifying at Russian public hearings and making frequent appearances on Russian state TV.

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