It looks like a malfunctioning thermostat. Or the temperature is in percentage rather than in Celsius.

They were, like Quelle, one of those mail order companies well before Internet and Amazon. They were once even quite acceptable.

They turned to the very worst, though. If you have a problem, then YOU have the problem. Parcel missing? Well, good luck. Goods are damaged? Nope.

[-] -5 points 4 weeks ago

It is just a sketchy online company. You shootouts never buy there.

What do you mean? Literally sending socks? Or supplies and assist one side.

I think i totally would somehow assist the civil war at the side who don’t support trump, yes. He is, in his ignorance and egalitarian attitude very dangerous not only for the us but for the whole world.

No. But i am not from the vsa.

Freeze-dried chicken hearts

[-] 40 points 1 month ago

I had one in my hotel room with the note „we give a duck“.

First mistake: you think you own that thing. Nope. Tesla thinks they still own it. You are just a user who paid big money for the privilege to be a beta tester.

[-] 55 points 1 month ago

„We have a technical issue, we ran out of blue paint so we need to retire the car.“

„But your car is red?“

„yes, so we cannot run the car without the blue paint.“

[-] 36 points 1 month ago

I‘d use Ketozolin shampoo regularly. This looks like tinea barbea.

[-] -1 points 1 month ago

The next bigger one is pentecost.

They need to be stopped? Agreed. But you should be careful with what methods. Best with diplomatic methods. A mindless „bang bang“ will possibly result in that we dont have to think about an overcrowded earth for a very long time. Not ideal, if you ask me. I really like the Future, wouldnt want to live like the middle ages again.

happy thanks giving (

Happy thanks giving everyone. Do you celebrate and if so, how?


Hey fellow coffee friends. As it is hot season here in Germany I actually enjoy my coffee cold, so I set up a cold brew every two or three days.

Well, when I got into that habit I got the hint to never let the brew touch metal as it alters the taste to the worse, it gets sour and „off“.

Now my question is, is this a myth? I see cold brew makers which would be way more convenient than my measurement cup/cotton filter method, but all of them have some kind of metal filter, so I am very reluctant to buy one of those. Has anyone insights and our experience on this topic?

mnt. Doom (

My favourite, to be honest


Has anyone experience in those, yet? I think it will be available in Germany soon, so if anyone can tell me the difference they experienced I’d be grateful.

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joined 11 months ago