[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago

I sadly haven't found a game with those criterias too. I've been compensating it by using a WPA, with freesolitaire.win. It ain't FOSS buuuut seems easier to found a potential FOSS contender.

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago
  • Desktop only (The phone app is somehow worse then the Discord app, see the Steam Chat rating).
  • No bots or advanced moderation
  • Steam restricted Are enough reason why it's usage has been limited. Still decent to use for a couple of people but lackluster to what Discord propose.
[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago

It doesn't make use of the games original Discord RPC integrations, and their more-in-depth game details that it can bring. See https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Enabling-Discord-Rich-Presence or https://github.com/EnderIce2/rpc-bridge for ways to fix it.

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 6 points 2 weeks ago

Strongly recommend it. It even automatically fetches icons for the games via SteamGridDB (Even if they could totally just fetch it from Steam). Ain't really a fix for games using Proton, however, or making sandboxed Discord versions to get those local RPC implementation, just an alternative and more efficient way to show what you play on Steam.

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago

You could just also use your own VPS but i digress. It seems they plan on keeping their app proprietary with just the bridge tools to be able to be used with their app. (You could do use the individual matrix-bridges services however as an alternative but again, Beeper seems to be the only service that offer such hosting for direct usage)

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Here's a full repo listing third-party stuff for Discord including clients. https://github.com/Discord-Client-Encyclopedia-Management/Discord3rdparties

SpoilerNone of them exist on Android. You have Discord clients mods like the recommended pre-react version, Aliucord which while outdated (But still working and supported by the project !) fix the slowness issues of the current version. Vencord has a proof-of-concept WPA app too but it's still mostly just browsing the main website so it ain't ideal. ~~I would like to point out Beeper https://www.beeper.com/, which is Matrix based and aim to easily use their self-hosted (Or your self-hosted !) bridges to different services, including Discord ! Not ideal outside of small servers or just DM's however (but you can customize which synced servers you want in it).~~

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

Exactly, My lemmy client failed the link markdown or i forgot something

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I would say this is the Ultimate list. Older cataloging project and still updated to this day with ~>3900 entries. Hi @Le_bottin_des_jeux_linux@floss.social

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 month ago

It's a scraper. And, in theory, it shouldn't even cause any issues with ReVanced modified Youtube patches except if they need to be updated.

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

Option 3 ! Steam does have a digital gift card option however, but i can see the appeal and compatibility of the first one. Thanks ! Actually my birthday, but i wouldn't want to cheat the chances at winning that giveaway.

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 0 points 1 month ago

Hence, the ability to read from a PGP key, profile proofs easily on the internet. It's for this specific use.

[-] PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 month ago

Btw, you can even verify your Lemmy account with it ! https://docs.keyoxide.org/service-providers/lemmy/

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