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[-] 9 points 2 hours ago

Honestly it just sounds like the president intentionally ordered the flight to take off when the weather wouldn't have been clear for it and the pilot would in any other circumstances with any other passengers have been able to cancel it outright.

[-] 7 points 2 hours ago

They're probably much safer when you don't buy them from Boeing

[-] 3 points 2 hours ago

If you want to experience what modern zeppelining would be like hire a hot air balloon. That's all they'd exist as, a luxury curiosity like the horse drawn carriage that's been long since passed as a viable competitor in the transit market.

Jet aircraft basically destroyed every economical case you could possibly make for Zeppelins as anything but an alternative way to do balloon tours.

[-] 1 points 2 hours ago

Helium is twice as heavy as Hydrogen, much harder to find on earth (it's literally named Helium because until recently it was believed to only exist on the Sun)

So more expensive and you gotta use a lot more of it for the same lifting power, also Hydrogen can be used for this safely, the Nazis just were cutting corners to not have to give any credit to the Americans who at the time had a monopoly on the resources that would have let them go with helium or that would have let them coat the ship safely.

[-] 25 points 2 hours ago

Ok but the driver ain't getting charged for that shit right? Sounds like self defense but the "racist slurs" part has me worried bro's gonna get profiled

[-] 5 points 5 hours ago

Wouldn't having meat suddenly after a Vegan streak just be making the tiredness worse?

[-] 136 points 5 hours ago

Good intentions, implementation, and results here, but seriously folks, think VERY carefully about what you're doing when you tamper with something someone's putting in their body.

Do not try at home to the nth degree.

[-] 5 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Castro and Ho Chi Minh as well, Castro was actually receiving American support initially before he got cut off, IIRC either because he was being a bit "too" revolutionary for his backers' liking or because Bautista negotiated his way back into America's good graces.

Ho Chi Minh had petitioned the US for diplomatic assistance with France, and the US might have been persuaded to provide it until France declared they would switch sides to the Warsaw pact if the US breathed a word of it to them and didn't help them shut it all down (this was after the US had absolutely humiliated them in the Suez crisis and Marshall plan conditioning), before proceeding to shrug and leave the US holding the bag for the mess they made anyways.

tl;dr, God Damn The French!

[-] 5 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

As opposed to the 55 they pay for the same "socialist" services at a worse quality of the services rendered?

Might be the best in the world for the folks who can afford world class service, but the US medical system costs the US taxpayer far more than their counterparts even in a "socialist" 45% top bracket tax country, for a far lower quality of service rendered.

Way it ought to be,

Separate incomes out by the percentile,

Assign the bracket boundaries at the thresholds of the 20th percentile, 40th percentile, 60th percentile, 80th percentile, 95th percentile, and 99th percentile.

Incomes in the 0-20 bracket are untaxed,

Incomes in the 20-40 bracket are taxed at a rate equal to the share of national wealth controlled by households who top out in this bracket,

Incomes in the 40-60 bracket are taxed at a rate equal to the share of national wealth controlled by households who top out in this bracket,

Incomes in the 60-80 bracket are taxed at a rate equal to the share of national wealth controlled by households who top out in this bracket,

Incomes in the 80-95 bracket are taxed at a rate equal to twice the share of national wealth controlled by households who top out in this bracket,

Incomes in the 85-99 bracket are taxed at a rate equal to twice the share of national wealth controlled by households who top out in this bracket,

Incomes in the 99+ bracket are taxed at a rate equal to three times the share of national wealth controlled by households (just for some perspective, this would top out at 91.8% with 30.6% of the national wealth controlled by the 1%) who top out in this bracket, individuals in a household that top out in this bracket are also barred from elected, hired, or appointed public office for ten years after the last time they top in this bracket.

Also, for every 20th multiple of the median income in the 0-20 bracket you cross over, you pay an additional 4% increase to your nominal tax rate

Also also, loans collateralized on capital assets (except for a primary residence mortgage or primary vehicle car loan) are considered salary income for tax purposes.

[-] 3 points 10 hours ago

I think Sex work offers some pretty valuable work in today's age of social isolation

These are people who's literal jobs are to understand healthy social connections as a science to be able to provide it to people who have to go without for whatever reason.

Everything's about sex but the sex itself, pretty much every provider I've met has felt like the sex was just the fun part of all the intimacy and deep conversation they put in the work for around the sex.

[-] 14 points 10 hours ago

I mean you could argue an end goal is every person having the effective wealth of a billionaire in terms of being able to have what they need right when they need it and being able to enrich their lives without worry for losing money that might be needed for an emergency later, but that specific stretch point is so far into a post scarcity future it is only a slight exaggeration to say it's literally the "Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism" meme but as an actual civilization.

[-] 6 points 13 hours ago

"I know how I'll support the anti-imperial cause! By supporting one of the longest imperial projects of human history predating even the civilization that gave us the etymological root of imperialism!"


Felt like we could all use some throwback humor.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

The man regularly outwits far more supposedly cognizant opponents including Batman and Lex Luthor, who are canonically recognized as two of thr smartest people on the entire planet.

Edit: I'm not saying insane people are stupid, I'm saying that Joker's mental illnesses are pretty obviously behavioral, they don't affect his perception of reality. He's perfectly capable of understanding what he's doing and how it's wrong, in fact his character almost doesn't work if he doesn't, he just thinks that it's all hilarious anyways. That's why I said he's not insane, he just pretends to be, because he'd be fit to stand criminal trial as fully competent and cognizant of his actions.

submitted 1 month ago by to c/
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