[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 18 points 5 days ago

It's $5 for 4 of them.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 20 points 6 days ago

This is why I don't usually tell anyone. Although last time I worked on a project I told a bunch of people hoping it would incentivise me to finish. Did it work? Oh my no.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 50 points 1 week ago

ISO 8601 only, please.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 15 points 1 week ago

You know, with all the projection the right seems to do, I wonder what crimes Trump's kids should be investigated for?

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 8 points 3 weeks ago

If only I could be so grossly incandescent.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 2 points 4 weeks ago

Java/Kotlin and JavaScript/Typescript primarily now. I used to know Visual Basic, PHP, C/C++, and COBOL; but I haven't touched any of them in almost 20 years now.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 15 points 1 month ago

Been a developer for 20 years and the temptation to quit and be a stay-at-home Dad is really tempting if it was at all financially viable.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 month ago

I was browsing Reddit at the time, but I never saw the post. I don't see literally every post on the internet when I'm browsing.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 39 points 1 month ago

I don't get this logic. I don't go to Reddit anymore so I don't see the content unless someone reposts it here. I'm happy people are posting here, either way.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 92 points 1 month ago

It drove my coworkers up the wall to hear that my wife, kids, and I were totally cool with being locked down together. And I had been working from home for years before the pandemic. I think they chafed at being locked down and the notion of anyone being okay with it was unfathomable to them.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 month ago

It took me a minute, but anti abortionists basically want women to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Utah has polygamy, so more women barefoot and pregnant.

[-] ObstreperousCanadian@lemmy.ca 32 points 1 month ago

Even though I won't be there for it, somehow heat death makes me very sad.


And no, I will not tell you what my company app is.

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