A mini weather station may be worth investing in to lock down your specific microclimate (or see if any of your neighbors have one)

You can get some cheaper ones sub $200, or maybe find one on kijiji from someone else upgrading.

I use mine to run a few home automations too, so it was a no brainer to use it for the garden too.

Hopefully the bed elevation helped a bit?

Consider covering them if you've got frost coming. I've got a weather alert set up if the low will be < 2°.

Just something simple like this, prebuilt or diy

Your cup of liber-tea.

[-] Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

What in the AI generated advertising is this?

[-] Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Love seeing your progress.

Gleaous I can't grow cannabis in my province.

[-] Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

M1A1 also comes with a pop-up crew commander for extra visibility!

[-] Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world 23 points 3 days ago

Trains don't usually interact with children on tracks.

Planes don't usually interact with children in the sky.

Cargo ships don't usually interact with children in the ocean, and when they do they're at floating height not standing.

[-] Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Slowing appreciation below inflation is depreciation/losing value. It's a hard tagert to nail, but if we can keep the needle between static price and inflation; we're doing well.

They'd not only lose money on their life savings, they'd be trapped, unable to ever move without paying even more money, or filing bankruptcy if they don't have more money to lose.

This already happens, we just don't hear about it. And we normally blame the homeowner for falling into a preditory trap.

Also the building envelope and internals IS a depreciating asset, always has been. It takes effort to maintain it.

Right now it's just the land values rocketing so high that on many places the crack shacks sitting on top depreciates slower than land value increases. So people's homes are still losing money, it's just the land underneath them goes up faster.


They'd not only lose money on their life savings

Diversify yo bonds.

  • Wu Tang Financial
[-] Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Devaluing them in a deliberate and controlled manner is much better then waiting for a crash.


Who's going to win?

I guess owl wait longer for the results.

art enthusiast (lemmy.world)
Ikea HULTARP rods (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world to c/homeorganization@lemmy.world

Ikea's HULTARP rods and hooks can let you store things outside of the kitchen too.

I came up with this solution to stick long, but flat and lightweight, items on the wall in a bathroom.

Edit: note that Ikea has two sizes of HULTRAP hooks, so you might want to get a pack of each while figuring out what works best for your items.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world to c/starwarsmemes@lemmy.world

Edit: please excuse the typo. I probably shouldn't use Sunforged as an editor.

Bonus gif!


Template and the Reverse template for use.

Testing the rules (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Nouveau_Burnswick@lemmy.world to c/starwarsmemes@lemmy.world

The drama is related to a Science Fiction community mod and and admin. I don't know enough to write on it, so check there.

Edit: MFW I just wanted to make a meme but dragged all the drama here

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