
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I totally approve of this. Asia is pretty unstable right now with China always “threatening”. I think defense spending in this area sends the right message.

[–] -4 points 2 days ago

Is all peta spin. Blocked.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Is it a free vote though or do they get disciplined if they don’t vote the party line?

[–] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The government needs to sequester the top union brass and the air Canada CEO himself in a locked room until a deal comes out.

If you want to accelerate the process keep turning the temperature in the room up and limit washroom breaks.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You aren’t really that dense are you?

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Better believe hearing aid manufacturers gonna try and legislate these out of existence lest they lose their cash cow.

My bet is a patent troll lawsuit.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Forgot to block the word Gaza. Thanks!

[–] 13 points 3 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

If you call the mayors office on the phone does every crazy that calls get put right through? Of course not.

They need to hire a social media manger to filter the crazy. The mayor is under no obligation to read their insane ravings.

I dumped twitter/x a couple of years ago. No negative impacts at all. Just not hearing from “those types” anymore.

Edit: and anyone that can’t behave can have their comments removed. We don’t need online amplification for the worst kinds of people.

[–] 19 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Don’t know about you but I wouldn’t feel comfortable flying an airline where workers are being beaten-down by the government to do their jobs.

Probably not a safe travel environment.

[–] 14 points 3 days ago

Let’s make a real bargaining process happen. If the government is forced to intervene, for every day a negotiated contract is not signed, the company CEOs are directly fined 2 % of their total yearly compensation payable in the next tax year.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

They’re obscenely priced too. If AirPods can do even half as good as dedicated ones they’ll be an amazing tool for people with poor hearing.

My wife’s dad is too proud to buy hearing aids but he might be convinced to use AirPods because they’re just headphones like everyone wears.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Most countries regulate medical devices rather closely. The US ASND Canada have some parity of regulations so an obvious first step.


No issues upgrading either my main server or my backup (both are supermicro platforms).


Canadian here. Most of our banking is electronic in Canada and I just don’t physical currency much. I mostly stuck with using paper currency in Japan this past summer.

I couldn’t find a quick and easy way to easily convert my coins back to paper yen before the flight home so used up some of my baggage weight allowance with a big sack of Japanese coins. Any tips?

I don’t mind paying a percentage to do it but don’t want to count myself. If there’s a shortage of coins in Japan right now it’s because all your yen are in my luggage.

Banks here used to have machines to do it with Canadian coins but with few people using coins now they all got removed.

Plan B was to pour my 2kg sack-o-yen into a temple donation box and reap the good Karma for years to come.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

Just wondering if anyone knows which SAS connectors on the SAS826A backplane control which ports?

On my current setup only ports 8-11 are working so got some troubleshooting ahead of me.

The online manuals show the connectors but unhelpfullyndont indicate which ports are being used for each.

Also, anyone know what the ribbon cable beside the SAS wires is used for on supermicro cables? I don’t recall seeing it on other SAS cables.


Just wondering what you do when the kids always want one parent over another?

Both of my kids are always about daddy (me). Even when mom spends time with them (2 and 5), they’re still asking about daddy all the time and it’s driving her crazy because they always want time with me rather than her.

I absolutely adore spending time with both of them. I’ll bathe them, put one of them to bed (mom gets the other one and we alternate), I help them get dressed in the morning, drive them to school and pick them up about half the time, change diapers and everything.

I’m very aware that you get 4 or 5 years with your kids then they’re not your little kids anymore and that part of all of your lives is gone forever.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Ok it’s a wish list but I’m trying to check all boxes.

  • slim design
  • card ejector mechanism
  • AirTag integrated without a massive unsightly bump
  • MagSafe connection to iPhone
  • brown or black leather (optional but preferred over metal)
  • price $120 max

I haven’t found any options yet which check all boxes.


Getting my kids (2 and 5) out the door in the morning can be a challenge (you know it) so I decided to try and take something mundane and make it special. The “bumpy shortcut”.

Really it’s just a back laneway to my youngest’s childcare and a slight detour for kindergarten drop off, each with a set of speed bumps. But it’s different and had a name they can latch onto.

And so…. Everyone has had breakfast and got their shoes on, so we have time for the bumpy shortcut today!

Or (looks like we’re not focused enough today to get out the door on time, guess we can’t take the bumpy shortcut).

When I do the “shortcut” I make a game out of who gets the big bumps at speed and who gets a “little bump”.

They both love it. Try and take something every day and make it special for them!


I have to work, but the family is going camping without me. Wife asks which flashlight she can borrow to take with her and the kids.

I’m rocked to the core. Visions of Obi Wan just casually handing Luke a lightsaber to swing around in his house.

My flashlights only range between “hotter and brighter than the sun” to “wouldn’t be out of place on a police helicopter”.

Nothing in this range is remotely qualified for use by wife and kids, much less dealing with the batteries that power them.

The only solution is buy more flashlights. Maybe something that also uses AA batteries (le barf).


So, inspired by Bluey, I started playing a new water-based game with my son and daughter, for the past few months, who absolutely love it.

Welcome to "Crocodile" (it's inspired by Australia, after all!)

  1. Dad is at one end of the water with one of the child's toys sitting next to him on the edge of tub or pool.
  2. Child magically turns dad into an animal (Crocodile was the first one), so dad magically turns into a very sleepy crocodile protecting his "treasure" with his eyes closed.
  3. Child has to sneak past to retrieve their toy from the crocodile, who sleeps rather restlessly, and occasionally flexes/snaps it's jaws (dads arms) as noise and ripples disturb it's otherwise tranquil slumber.

Of course I give them a few "scares", then let them grab the toy, to the tune of much giggling.

We've also done

  • jellyfish (fingers floating lazily on the water), no stinging, but these jellies tickle!
  • hippo (snoozing with mouth under water, breathing through nose blowing bubbles)
  • ducky (two fingers clicking together), not super scary.
  • and monkey (mostly just noise).

Anyway, as usual, thanks to Bluey for getting dad thinking outside the box to play with his kids even more.


So rental advocates are calling for maximum temperatures as well as minimums.

So by this logic if there’s a maximum permissible temperature, if I have AC installed in the rental unit it must run at whatever level is necessary 24/7 to not exceed that maximum temperature at any time, even if it adds hundreds of dollars a month to the renter’s utility bill?

Nobody would want to put someone’s health at risk by letting it get too hot.

Is that really what tenants want? Because I sure wouldn’t have wanted that kind of bill when I was renting, I would’ve just preferred a cheap fan I could turn on or maybe a home brew swamp cooler.

Or are they just clumsily wanting landlords to supply ACs with rental units now, which will drive prices even higher even before electrical upgrades….

Not sure if they want plentiful housing, affordable housing, or nicely outfitted suites.

Renters may pick 1 of the above options only.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I’d guess they’d go for about $150,000 a piece if you built blocks of them. The lower unit is probably cheaper without the rooftop access.

And yes, this is the future of home ownership here, not single detached living.

Got a note back from the IG creator. Rents for about $850 a month and is just north of downtown Tokyo.


So off to Japan for a month and it appears that my EDC is going to suffer as Japanese law prohibits people carrying any sort of edged tool unless they need it for their work. Kinda sucks for a country known around the world for crafting sharp blades.

Apparently any sort of run-in with law enforcement pretty much guarantees a bad time if you have so much as a Swiss Army knife with you. Keeping in your hotel is fine, but walking around with it is not.

Makes me a bit (lot) sad. I’ve EDCed a small Kershaw or Benchy with me for the better part of the last 5 years or so.

Backup plan is going to be a flashlight or two. Those aren’t prohibited. Probably a Hank light and a tiny rechargeable I can keep in my pocket.

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