
joined 1 year ago
[–] MrMakabar 6 points 4 weeks ago

Are other countries still sending bombs to Israel an this point? Germany stopped sending those in the beginning of the year, pretty much only supplying air defence components, the UK has stopped weapon licences and besides that I believe do not like Israel enough.

[–] MrMakabar 10 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Dann kann VW doch das Xinjiang Werk schließen und die Produktion nach Wolfsburg verlegen..

[–] MrMakabar 5 points 4 weeks ago

It actually got a lot done, but the pile of problems left by Merkel just can not be solved overnight.

Just some examples: new heating bill, renewable permits made a lit easier, gas crisis mostly solved, turn around on Ukraine,starting the process of strenghtening the Bundeswehr, dual citizenship law, Deutschlandticket and so forth. On an EU level a lot more was done as well, with German support.

The problem is the debt break. Germany could grow its economy a lot, if it would allow public debt financed investment.

[–] MrMakabar 3 points 4 weeks ago

EU regulation requires 37% plug in electric starting next year. We are talking over 4.7million EVs next year in a relativly open market.

[–] MrMakabar 3 points 1 month ago

I am not saying media is not bias, but that some media just spins the truth, whereas others do not have a problem with fslse reporting. After all tankies are called tsnkies, because they ignored that the Soviets used tanks to violently get rid of the Prague Spring. This happens on the left as well.

And yes that is why I like reading economics news websites like the economist. They report on subjects left leaning news tend to not care about, but which can be incredibly important. Also with rich people using their reporting as a bases for invedtments, makes it hugely important that they do not outright lie. Commentary on them is horrible though, unless they go somewhat agsinst the neoliberal norm, which is rarer, but usually some of the best stuff.

[–] MrMakabar 4 points 1 month ago

We had entire cilizations collapse entirly mostly due to ecological disasters. Illnesses were wipeing out huge parts of the population in some cases. Wars also used to be much more common.

The technologies we have do make the world a better place. Not alwasys, but on average.

[–] MrMakabar 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

False neutrality is propaganda, but so is being so is being activly biased. So a good left news source has to be wiling to show the fscts, when they speak against the left.

[–] MrMakabar 2 points 1 month ago

By making sure they do not need to try, but can be sure they can get by.

[–] MrMakabar 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Why not run for the House? A seat has 750k-800k population and quite a few districts are much further left then US average. If a further left candidate would run its those seats, that would force the Democrats to move left.

[–] MrMakabar 5 points 1 month ago

The US also bought Russian nukes. The nucleae material ended up being used as fuel for US nuclear power plants.

Also a huge part of building the ISS was to keep Russian rocket experts in Russia, rather then helping some other dictator.

[–] MrMakabar 10 points 1 month ago

Cargo bikes are smaller then vans. So you can get closer to the destination, without having to carry the parcel.

[–] MrMakabar 1 points 1 month ago

That would be great, but I doubt that. If US emissions stay stable that would be a 6.6% annual drop over a decade. If Carbonbriefs anslysis of Bidens climate policy is correct and US polizicans do not touch that at all, we are talking 10% annual drops. So far Chinas emissions have been growing most years. They might have peaked right now, but I foubt, they drop this quickly.


Our World in data has already updated their charts using the current UN world population prospect:

Fertility rate:

Population projections:

Some of the highlights are. Nearly all countries in the Americas, all countries in Europe and most countries in Asia have below replacement fertility rates. The only continent with a fertiltiy rate above replacement is Africa with 4.07 in 2023. Besides Afghanistan all countries with fertility rates above 4 are in Africa. Even above 3 is rarer outside of Africa and Central Asia. China is at a total fertility rate of 1. That means every new generation is half the size of the previous one and the population has a fairly high chancing halving over within this century.

According to the data the number of births globally has peaked in 2012. Since then it is down a bit.

We will likely see large regions have structural population declines in the coming years. Especially rural areas in middle income countries will loose a lot of people. Due to the young ones moving to cities, with a stable to falling population. At the same time migration will always be a big topic. Especially since racism is much stronger for black people then for brown ones. So with Sub Sahrah Africa being the region with the most births, this is really the only region able to provide enough migrants to prevent population decline for other regions.

Anyway good news in general. It really shows we only have to create a sustainable economy once and then it becomes easier to keep it running, thanks to lower population.


Degrowth as a community topic has somewhat of a problem, in that it is rather limited. Posting about the need to shrink the economy smartly becomes repetitive over time. So I tried to increase the scope of the community a bit by allowing other related topics like UBI, housing cooperatives, worker owned companies and so forth. However I do understand that this might be controversial. So I have a few question to the people intressted in this commuity:

  • Is increasing the scope of the community a good idea?

  • What topics should be offtopic in this community? As in do we allow say discussions about renewable energy, carbon markets and maybe even green stocks. Right now I see a bunch of China economy posts. Are those reasonable?

  • Should I rename the community to reflect a wider scope of discussion? If so what name would be good?

  • How can we make the community more intressting in general? Say topic of the week, more memes or whatever.

  • Where should the moderation line be? No swearing or going for even implied insults.

I would love to get some good feedback and suggestions. Thanks for them in advance.

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