
joined 2 years ago

This project recently released, which allows local translation of languages in your web browser. It works surprisingly well! The only issue is that it doesn't work with all languages.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

It was on life support for a long time, and it doesn't make sense to have Atom around considering VS Code is almost exactly the same thing but better and faster. If you really loved Atom there are themes that make VSCode look almost exactly the same.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

We did it crypto lads, we made decentralized tech that's so complicated to use that everyone uses centralized services to handle them for us!

[–] 11 points 2 years ago

Follow the simple flowchart:

Does it work without Blockchain? If yes, you shouldn't use Blockchain.

If no, then you still shouldn't use Blockchain because it sounds like you're about to create something really stupid that the world doesn't need.

[–] 10 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Mixed, when you chew it mixes together and it's easy to swallow.

I'm more interested in the wording of this post though, do you eat HOT cereal? ._.

[–] 11 points 2 years ago

I mean what did you expect, it's a toxic sub that's made out of a meme about how PC players are so superior to everyone else

You're looking for /r/pcgaming

[–] 17 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

The Verge fails to mention the main driving force for this decision: Photopea. Someone made a perfectly working photoshop clone that's good enough for 99% of people. It exploded in popularity a while ago, and they announced Photoshop online shortly after. They don't want to lose relevance.

[–] 8 points 2 years ago (6 children)

This post is really overdramatic... How good Reddit is depends on the sub. I frequent /r/linux_gaming for example and it's a very chill place with good discussion. If you don't like a sub, don't use it, but to dismiss and insult everyone who frequents there is dumb...

The upvote-downvote feature is the worst mechanic to plague social media.

Okay, suggest a good alternative to filter out trash in social media. Every alternative without voting ends up being like 4chan, a cesspool where people shout the stupidest most insane (and often offensive) things and you're forced to trudge your way through it to find any decent content. At least when I open something like /r/television, I expect to see stuff people enjoy and articles of interest.

None of the alternatives in the article are real alternatives too. It just sounds like OP got fed up with social media and decided to do something else in their life, which yeah sure but it sounds like you just need to chill out and be the one to ignore the "drunk loud idiots" and just browse places you like.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Why do you think i should get 6gb? Makes my apps run slower?

Yeah, having low ram makes your phone slower in general. Newer versions of Android use a lot of ram, so if you get 4gb your phone can be choppy and it'll only get worse over time. Best to get 6gb or preferably 8gb if you want to be using your phone for years to come.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Was that before or after Microsoft bought them? Does Microsoft have leaks often?

Microsoft is usually on top of privacy stuff but the companies they buy operate mostly independently from what I hear. I don't think there's much correlation.

The big leak happened last year though, it was a massive fuck up from linkedin. Almost everyone's data got leaked.

There’s Xing.

First I've heard of it. Here's the thing, there are alternatives but what matters is which is popular. Company presence is the most important thing in these websites, when I attach my LinkedIn profile to a job it increases my chances of being seen by a lot. If I attach something like Xing they'll probably just ignore me.

It's like WhatsApp. Are the great alternatives? For sure. Does it matter? No, because my family and colleagues and normie friends are too resistant of letting it go, so I'm forced to use it. Best I can do is get my inside circle to use something else.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Another day, another LinkedIn leak. Didn't they have millions of people's personal data leaked last year or so?

Kind of a shame there isn't a real alternative. There are some alternatives but usually it's so much more preferred for companies that you have a linkedin account when applying for a job.

[–] 6 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

Depends on how much you care about privacy. There are a lot of not bad chinese phones in the low/medium price range. Realme phones are pretty good for the price. Samsung a52 and a52s are pretty good as well though a bit more expensive. Both of these have great cameras. I would recommend a phone that is at least 6gb of ram though, 4 is way too low these days.

[–] 9 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Copyright is theoretically a good idea but what ends up happening the last few decades is that it's just become about companies that abuse the system to hoard as much intellectual property as possible. It's absolutely ridiculous that most of the time an author's work belongs to a company, and a company will run it into the ground even after the author's dead (see: Spongebob). And they keep extending copyright dates because Disney keeps whining while owning most of the entertainment industry.

Then you have stuff like Alan Moore's works. The man has gone insane from how much they milk his works and make bad interpretations of it.


Finally some good fucking food. Apparently production moved from Wit to Mappa. Seems to be a trend recently, they also gave Attack on Titan to Mappa a few years ago.


Looks wonderful. Which house are you going to join?


cross-posted from:

Elden Ring runs better on Linux thanks to Valve pre-caching shaders on first launch, while Windows users have to suffer through stuttering and poor DX12 performance. Pretty wild!

It also has Proton-specific fixes that help performance, such as . Thanks, Valve!


cross-posted from:

In 2017, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild released and is generally considered one of the greatest games of all time. The game had a surprisingly big impact on the industry by introducing a new genre: true open world games.

In short, a true open world game is where you're dropped into a world and can go in any direction you want. The game is more minimalist than most, there are no quest markers or level scaling and you're not forced to go in a specific direction. You're free to explore the world without having a sense of direction, tackling its challenges and discovering new things at your own pace and in any order.

And now a new challenger comes in: Elden Ring. This game takes BotW as its inspiration and (imo) really excels where the other one lacks. There are so many unique events and interesting places in the world, with interesting rewards and an awesome sense of scale. I looooove finding caves and catacombs and having no idea what rewards are inside, whether it's a cool set of armor, new spells, spirits, or maybe some talismans. Not all the rewards are useful obviously, but they usually find a way to be interesting (like a talisman that makes you stronger around poison). It just genuinely feels like you're exploring a world for the first time, something I never felt in other open world games.

Dark souls is also my favorite series of all time so I might be a bit biased lmao

What do you think of this new genre/trend? Are you a fan of these new types of open world games or do you prefer the older ones like Far Cry 3? Do you prefer more linear games? I wonder which company is going to try this next.


In 2017, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild released and is generally considered one of the greatest games of all time. The game had a surprisingly big impact on the industry by introducing a new genre: true open world games.

In short, a true open world game is where you're dropped into a world and can go in any direction you want. The game is more minimalist than most, there are no quest markers or level scaling and you're not forced to go in a specific direction. You're free to explore the world without having a sense of direction, tackling its challenges and discovering new things at your own pace and in any order.

And now a new challenger comes in: Elden Ring. This game takes BotW as its inspiration and (imo) really excels where the other one lacks. There are so many unique events and interesting places in the world, with interesting rewards and an awesome sense of scale. I looooove finding caves and catacombs and having no idea what rewards are inside, whether it's a cool set of armor, new spells, spirits, or maybe some talismans. Not all the rewards are useful obviously, but they usually find a way to be interesting (like a talisman that makes you stronger around poison). It just genuinely feels like you're exploring a world for the first time, something I never felt in other open world games.

Dark souls is also my favorite series of all time so I might be a bit biased lmao

What do you think of this new genre/trend? Are you a fan of these new types of open world games or do you prefer the older ones like Far Cry 3? Do you prefer more linear games? I wonder which company is going to try this next.

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