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[-] 2 points 2 days ago

Well that's true, you can get a lot of varieties of peppers.

Can't believe that comment garnered so many down votes tho. Some habanero lovers in the comments were very upset

[-] -4 points 2 days ago

Eh. Habanero tastes like ass. I've had spicier peppers with better flavor. And plenty of people, including myself, occasionally enjoy something hotter. I have a decent tolerance for spice, so I can dial things up and still enjoy it.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

Ty for the links

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

whole notion of just re-scheduling it to "de-criminalize it" is a misnomer.

Has anyone suggested rescheduling it would be akin to decriminalizing? I mean, maybe if it was moved to schedule v.

I think generally people have been reacting to this by pointing out it should just be descheduled.

[-] -3 points 3 days ago

Okay? So what are the rules then? Only trans people that started transitioning before a certain age? Or has been transitioning for a certain number of years? Or should we measure bone density, muscle density, estrogen, testosterone, other various hormones, etc? What if they were a competitive athlete before transitioning? Is it transphobic to ask a person to prove they meet these requirements? Because apparently, based on the mods here, it's transphobic to even consider that a person who was born a man might have a physical advantage over someone born a woman.

It's not like all athletes taking PEDs are better than all of their natural counterparts. But it does afford them an unfair advantage. So we ban their use. A trans person could have an advantage that is the result of them being born a man. This is real and has happened. The existence of that possibility is no different than the possibility an athlete would be superior as a result of PEDs.

[-] 0 points 3 days ago

Personally, I have competed in powerlifting, one sport that has gotten attention in the press for not letting trans women compete with cis women, particularly after a trans woman beat out other cis women by huge margin in competition.

I will let the ladies know that the only reason they're in their own division is actually because of oppression and they should have no issue competing against men.

[-] 8 points 3 days ago

I don't even let them in the room. Housekeeping left the door to my room open once for the entire day. I was across from the elevator. Thankfully nothing was stolen, but ya know, fool me once

[-] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And nowhere in there did you touch on how sending a kid to the store for striped paint could somehow cause trauma, rather than teach a valuable lesson about gullibility, critical thinking, and being able to laugh at one's self.

Not everything in this world is as serious as escaping a country to avoid punishment or death for who you are. Having the emotional intelligence to differentiate between the serious and light hearted is something a person should develop when they're young or life will be much harder for them.

[-] 0 points 1 week ago

My god guys it was terrible, my Dad sent me to the store for a bucket of steam, and the cashier laughed at me.

How was I supposed to know steam didn't come in pre-packaged buckets? Nobody ever explained the particulars of steam packaging!

Literally nothing worse could ever happen to me. Now I'll be in therapy for years.

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