
joined 2 months ago
[–] 6 points 23 hours ago

Why so soft?

The vehicle seems to loud -> perform a check -> if it is too loud, confiscate to have it examined and fine the driver -> if vehicle is found to have been tampered with using illegal parts, don't return it and fine some more

Then bring it back into a legal state and auction it off anonymously

[–] 32 points 1 day ago

They're afraid of the drag dealers' wrath

[–] 8 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Really? They might use some GNU programs, but I'm sure the default user land for OpenBSD is all theirs. Just because you know cp etc. as GNU utils doesn't mean the BSDs use the same ones. They are just part of the operating system. tried to collect various BSD implementations for example

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

A synthetic substance similar to mescaline, less headspace and body load, more entactogen, shorter and more manageable duration. Kind of like a hedonistic version of psychs compared to LSD.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

I was also with a provider that didn't offer API access for the longest time. When they then increased prices, I switched, now paying a third of their asking price per year at a very good provider.

I guess migrating is difficult if the provider doesn't offer a mechanism to either dump the DNS to a file or perform a zone transfer (the later being part of the standard).

Can only recommend INWX for domains, though my personal requirements aren't the highest.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

It should also be noted that he's a PoS in general. However, my conscience is clear, because I pirated the movie.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

A lot of paid cert providers were not so great before LE put the spotlight on the issue; it was more of a scheme to extract money from operators who couldn't afford to not offer TLS / SSL. was a famous post that made fun of / criticized the system before LE. This hurt security, and if not free, LE wouldn't have worked.

[–] 11 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Also wildcard certificates are more difficult to do automated with let's encrypt.

They are trivial with a non-garbage domain provider.

If you want EV certificates (where the cert company actually calls you up and verifies you're the company you claim to be) you also need to go the paid route

The process however isn't as secure as one might think:

In my experience trustworthyness of certs is not an issue with LE. I sometimes check websites certs and of I see they're LE I'm more like "Good for them"

Basically, am LE cert says "we were able to verify that the operator of this service you're attempting to use controls (parts of) the domain it claims to be part of". Nothing more or less. Which in most cases is enough so that you can secure the connection. It's possibly even a stronger guarantee than some sketchy cert providers provided in the past which was like "we were able to verify that someone sent us money".

[–] 15 points 3 days ago

Sehe das grundsätzlich anders als der Artikel. Es sind nicht primär die Zinsen. Die haben das Problem nur sichtbar gemacht. Deutschland hat sich zur Niedriglohnnation mit Fokus auf den Export gemacht. Binnennachfrage war da eher zweitrangig, da kann man auch die Einkommen hoch besteuern, während die Vermögenssteuer nicht erhoben wird.

Jetzt ist es allerdings so, dass die deutsche Wirtschaft prinzipbedingt nicht sehr innovativ ist. Deutschland fördert einfach große Unternehmen sehr viel stärker, diese sind aber auch sehr viel starrer. Und sobald deren Produkte im Ausland nicht mehr gefragt sind - sei es aus Kostengründen oder einfach weil das Produkt nicht mehr benötigt wird - ist es halt vorbei.

[–] 16 points 3 days ago

You can catch Mew in Red and Blue using the trainer/fly glitch, I did so myself. Can be done as early as crossing Nugget Bridge and before fighting Misty as you need the first gym trainer to fight you for it to work.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Weed makes you question if you should get more snacks

I haven't tried it in a really long time though but I didn't really like it very much. Not that I think it's bad, but it's a downer and they're just not my favorite.

Acid and 2C-B on the other hand, man. Haven't tried other psychs unfortunately but I find them both great for their individual effects. Unfortunately, there's the huge stigma around psychs in general plus the naturalistic crowd that makes up a proportion of psych users will only accept stuff like shrooms, peyote and ayahuasca.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Ja, das meinte ich damit, dass z.B. Administration über SSH auf die echte IP stattfand. Das ist glaube ich nicht ungewöhnlich.

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