My minimal arch installation on my 128 GB RAM monster of a computer
dang you!
I actually like it
I'm actually encouraged to update often because if I don't, the updates keep accumulating and I end up with 200+ apps and dependencies that require such updates. Not that I'm affected or anything, I don't even need to re-start my machine, and pacman works in the background. So, It's been a positive experience over all. So yay! Updates!
I've been in a stable relationship for a couple of years now, and living with her since January this year
By any chance, did you kill their father because he killed your father? Have you got any sons? Does this involve your guy's grandfathers too?? This sounds like a neverending loop. Can't you all just go out fishing together or something
Sure thing good luck patching!
Just to complement this comment, I looked up the flag, and here it is for comparison
Edit: cropped the white background for better display
Gotta check the documentation
It looks so goooood! I'm excited for this new update
OMG! Me too!!
This is absolutely outrageous. I wish this was all false, but I've experienced first hand how incredibly horrendous university websites can be. And I'm pretty sure that's an international experience.
Skelleton >:D