Ironically EU shorthand for Europe and European Union
My birth certificate has my old name crossed out and replaced because my mum hated the way my dad pronounced it with his accent. The change is legally acceptable
Find it easier to hold it 2 finger top a thumb around the bottom and stretch both sides away from each other
It's pretty difficult to come up with an analogy that could bring an understanding without sounding insane. If the thought process is feeling de-humanised then examples would correlate best with physical attraction but that makes you sound insane because it kind of is.
People tried to block the Activision acquisition. Some were mocked for their attempt and some were mocked for their stance. It wasn't enforced because for all the attempts, it couldn't be proved which is more an indicator better definitions needed to be in place
This is such a fanboy opinion. Sony killed basically their entire Japanese Development, had 13 GaaS in development at the same time and actively are holding back the standard of Cross Save. They give plenty of reasons to not be the 'gamer' console. Especially now when they are also beginning to drop games on gamepass.
Ironically we still know of more single player games coming to Xbox then games coming to Sony outside of Spider-Man Leaks.
Fallout is currently the hottest game on the market thanks to the Show on top of this.
This really fucking sucks but damn stop trying to use this as a way to promote your team
"can still be better but priority changed"
The problem is they think Tyler Durden is cool? And that's it, they don't empathise with the narrators realization that Tyler is insane. That's just the what the plot of the movie thinks. Same as American Psycho but that's probably more crazy given the ending is him literally losing his mind
The problem is you can also make the villain a manchild whos sick of people not agreeing with him and the internet will call him based
The message is a follow on in agreement
Don't stereotype people by the online facade. I've met maybe one weird trans person who fits the stereotype but most of the time they are normal people
Pursuing a voice to match that of "Her" is a very weird move considering the story it tries to convey