[-] Hypx@fedia.io 1 points 1 week ago

Perhaps. But it will likely be a hard break from the current setup, since the current one is not even close to working.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The main ones are that certain users or groups of users end up dominating each community, and that mods become abusive over time. Brigading and bigotry are big issues too. You also mentioned echo chambers, which I agree is another issue, although that is present in many social media platforms.

Unfortunately, federation doesn't solve these issues. At the very least, some kind of basic improvements are needed. Ideas like preventing large communities from dominating the front page, removing or limiting the effect of downvotes, or having more checks and balances for what mods can do, are necessary. But none of that happened. So this attempt at a Reddit clone is just ending up as a bad Reddit clone. Which is probably why Lemmy/Kbin/Mbin will slowly fade away, once people realize that it is just a Reddit clone.

This won't be the final attempt at creating a replacement for Reddit. Eventually, enshittification will destroy Reddit, and something else will replace it. But it probably won't be the Fediverse's attempt at it.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 1 points 1 week ago

Again, that doesn't solve any of the fundamental problems of a Reddit-clone.

Anyways, our opinions don't matter. If I'm right, the communities we're on will quietly fade away.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 1 points 1 week ago

So many instances block Hexbear and others. We are well on the path of creating separated communities, just with the added headache of having to police federation. Not to mention the problem of power users and out-of-control mods, which federation makes worse rather than solving them.

Ultimately, I think a real Reddit replacement will have to think hard about fixing the fundamental problems of this form of social media, rather than attempting to use buzzwords or cool new ideas.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 1 points 1 week ago

Federation makes sense for a Twitter replacement. Not so much for a Reddit replacement. I get the feeling that we are at an end to the experiment. Eventually, people will realize that we cannot replace Reddit with a Fediverse based solution.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 17 points 1 week ago

They're quietly removing all such accounts. They won't even allow accounts without email addresses anymore.

submitted 1 week ago by Hypx@fedia.io to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

"Just to meet business-as-usual trends, 115% more copper must be mined in the next 30 years than has been mined historically until now," the study said.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 4 points 1 week ago

My recent realization is that the very high-end of the GPU market is totally unnecessary. A 4070 can play practically any game at 4K with decent framerates. And if you are fine with just "high" settings instead of maxed out, at very good framerates too.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 13 points 1 week ago

It’s why Google is secretly in big trouble. Their biggest and most successful ideas were from well over a decade ago. There’s very little real innovation going on at Google now. They’re just throwing crap at a wall and hoping something sticks. Eventually, their cash cows will dry up and they won’t have anything to fall back on.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 20 points 1 week ago

This is also known as "Libertarian Socialism." Interestingly enough, this idea predates the current definition of Libertarianism by decades.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 20 points 2 weeks ago

Google is basically ran like Boeing. Their goal is to maximum the stock price regardless of long-term consequences.

[-] Hypx@fedia.io 2 points 2 weeks ago

Then you are creating an imaginary set of problems for hydrogen. We already have hydrogen cars that can go 400 miles. The range problem is already a solved problem. Future innovations will improve this even further. We already have hydrogen drones and bikes too. So there is no problem scaling down. Not to mention SUVs make up nearly 80% of the market these days. You're basically inverting how the real world car market works.

As we run into the fundamental problems of batteries, such as needing charging stations everywhere, and very high powered ones if we want fast charging, it will eventually become obvious that no amount of advancements will solve some of those issues. We will want to look at alternative solutions.

And again, BEVs are not competitive right now. They are a artificial market propped up by governments around the world. ICE cars still rule the world. And likely BEVs will retreat in the market as subsidy reductions and trade wars make them even less uncompetitive.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Hypx@fedia.io to c/technology@lemmy.world

The NHTSA is probing Google-supported Waymo regarding crashes caused by its driverless taxi program and underperforming self-driving tech.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Hypx@fedia.io to c/games@lemmy.world

We've almost reached the end of the 1st half of 2024, and Xbox has had more studio closures than first party game releases in the year so far.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Hypx@fedia.io to c/technology@lemmy.world

AI’s voracious need for computing power is threatening to overwhelm energy sources, requiring the industry to change its approach to the technology, according to Arm Holdings Plc Chief Executive Officer Rene Haas.

submitted 2 months ago by Hypx@fedia.io to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

Intel's next-gen Arc Battlemage "Xe2-HPG" GPUs for gaming graphics cards have been confirmed in the latest shipment manifesto leaking spree.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Hypx@fedia.io to c/fedia@fedia.io

Recently, there's been a pretty serious spam bot on a federated community: https://fedia.io/u/@ThuleanSneed@startrek.website

While the spam posts are deleted there, they aren't being deleted here. This is screwing up the comment sections on a lot of posts. Is there a solution for this?

submitted 2 months ago by Hypx@fedia.io to c/fedia@fedia.io

You literally can't do it. If you try, you just get an error message. Pretty much anything from hexbear.net is unblockable. Which is really unfortunately, because it is one of the worst instances out there.

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