Looks like you're a moron, if you stand by the harrassment, death threats, racism and sexism.
Does it support Steam? Only launcher I want gone.
They were determined that it was all a hoax because they don't know anyone who died.
Playing Catch up not catch 22 lol
Now that we have this version it will be quite some time before we get any other version sadly.
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle could easily have thier own TV show from their point of view of being outsiders in the Justice League.
While the heavy hitters are dealing with the big bad the lower members are always cleaning up the mess or fighting henchmen.
The game is 3 years old. All of the early access mods have already been ported over to full release.
Troll account.
Haven't watched it, the trailer or read anything about it.
I will pirate it once available to see if Booster Gold is in it. About it.
Blue Beetle is closer to Cyborg from Tean Titans than Ant Man. At least it looks like this iteration anyway, which would be based on the third version of the character.
He gets his suit via a Scarab in his spine that sheilds him in nanotechnology.
He has the ability to neturalize magic, which is a prevalent power in the DC universe.
Flies with wings.
Can use electromagnetic abilities from the nanotechnology. Can also create sheilds.
I much prefer the second Blue Beetle; Ted Kord, who is more like Batman.
Resident Evil 2 Remake as well.
Doing away with the fixed camera really kills the vibe of the game. Just being able to hear by not see an enemy has so much suspence.
Gaining lore from the background objects. Another product of the time but walking up to something and interacting to get an indebth text read out on what you are looking at was great in the original but was absent in the remake.
It was great that the Tyrant was able to move around more than the original but it's extreamly limited and once you figure out the mechanics you realize that he is just teleworking around close to you, it becomes more of a chore than a threat.
I was really hoping for a good remake Ala the first Resident Evil Remake.
Are you an idiot? Answer: Yes.
Canada is already 80%+ green. Far higher than any other country its size.