[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

You will still have private/public sections, interfaces (unless you class them as inheritance), classes and instances, the SOLID principles, composition over inheritance. OOP is a lot more than just large family trees of inheritance, a way of thinking that's been moved away from for a long time.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Mm yes, reddit started with out with tens of thousands of users over night.

I think the situation here on lemmy is pretty comparable to early reddit. People forget it started out as mostly a nerdy programmer centric site as well, and then grew from there. It's a bit jarring to see people here insisting on artificially creating communities and pushing/guiliting people into posting more just to bring the numbers up. "the narwhal bacon's at midnight" (although it was always cringe) started because reddit was a niche site less known than 4chan to begin with, so it was just a nonsensical dog whistle.

Do I miss the focused subreddits around specific topics? Sure, but I also think they will come naturally with time if lemmy survives just as they did with reddit. And the whole reason we're here today to begin with is because of an unsatiable hunger for growth.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 61 points 2 days ago

They could also punish false claims. Currently the copyright holders (and not even that, just something that might vaguely sound like your stuff) can automatically send out strikes for any match in the system. The burden to prove it's fair use goes to YouTube channel, and if it's found to not be copyright infringement nothing happens to the fraudulent claimer.

A big step would be to discourage the copyright holders from shooting from the hip.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Yeah, it's just Google's entry for the Apple air tag. I'll have to read a bit more about it before I decide to turn it on, but from the outset it seems alright.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

The geography itself is mapped completely differently, I assume they just didn't make many expeditions that far north.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

So the theory here is one jumper went into distress, and pulled the other teen who tried to help underwater with him.

Quite tragic deaths then, as it didn't seem like the waters below was that unknown.

Shows the importance of always having something between you and the person drowning. Take off any piece of clothing you might have on you if there isn't anything around you.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

Who are these "they" that has admitted it's a bad law?

It's one of the best recent pieces of privacy legeslation. It's not the EU's fault that websites are scumbags insisting on making life difficult for people.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago

I've only used DaVinci for small projects, so I don't know their eco system too well, but what made you buy a product when you were having problems getting it to work? :O Does the studio version offer better hardware acceleration or something like that?

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 6 points 3 weeks ago

It is honestly disgusting when they list the number of parties, especially when you see 100+ vendors on the "Legitimate purpose" toggle. Fuck off you have a legitimate purpose to my browsing.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago

This is not the best metaphor in the world, this is just a tribute.

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

It was a lot of fun for me. I did it without a virtual machine (would not generally recommend) on a older laptop I wasn't using anyway. I wasn't very successful in the end however. My own built kernel couldn't produce any vga output. I tried to fix it for a handful of nights, but in the end gave up and called it good enough :P So I might comeback to it later to fully complete an installation.

But it was good learning oppertunity. It showed that just compiling a version of the Linux kernel isn't very complicated. It even comes with a very nice TUI to select your build options!

[-] HereIAm@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Now that is some MSN emoji shit I can get behind. Do I even dare ask how it's done?

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