
joined 1 year ago
[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Oh, im aware. Lots of stuff we thought was limited to American colonization, education that has since been whitewashed to make it sound not as bad as it was, and general comments that miss most of the story. Even at the high school level.

You are not responsible for the actions of your ancestors, regardless of how direct or indirect it was. The flip side is that I did not suffer that treatment, and therefore can no blame my life and actions on it. Very different viewpoint to a number of my iwi, who are still stuck in the take take take and I'm owed mindset. Screwing over the next generation with their excuses.

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 4 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

All good - I actually wish some of us would stop using the last 150 years as an excuse. Did we have to deal with alot of shit - absolutely, and a not 0 ammout is still ongoing. But FFS, the opportunities are there if you stop using it as an excuse to not do better.

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 7 points 13 hours ago (8 children)

That's a very weak arguement - you're communicating with the embassy and ambassador of a recognized country.

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 11 points 15 hours ago

I would have called it a glass factory. Means I can snicker every time I tell someone.

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 11 points 15 hours ago (10 children)

Pagers are one directional, and cant be traced.

To view a different way, why do they have a pager, rather than just calling an embassy, "state department" or cell phone?

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 10 points 15 hours ago (4 children)

Thats ok, us Maori spend our whole time hating normal kiwis, who then hate nazis. They just need to slot in and direct theirs in the right direction (/s).

I mean, what are they really going to do - deport us back home? Actually don't answer that, they may try it.

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 6 points 15 hours ago

All we can do is laugh at the absurdity of it all

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 5 points 16 hours ago (1 children)
[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago

Don't mess with Americas boats

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 15 points 17 hours ago

I have to disagree, every panel is a new joke

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world 1 points 18 hours ago

How did something that only killed 10 targets injure thousands, especially when you are considering explosives.

I don't think I could injure 1000s of civilians with only 10 targets killed with an explosive hidden on their person if I tried.

[–] HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world -2 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Close - you're looking at letter, not action and intentions.

Booby traps are banned for use in ways that are likely to be used by civilians and remove protections on the civilian population. Things like placing explosives on public transport, the side of the road, in marketplaces or protected places. Targeted strikes, like on a piece of civilian equipment that is likely to only be used by the target (cellphone, personal vehicle, laptop) are permitted as they are unlikely to be set off by a random civilian.

What is a question, however, is if the targets were actually combatants.


Look, we need the money and fuel is bloody expensive, but I believe we are adding another problem to the next generation and regressing further.

The tax sucks, but the benefits were worth it.


Like the whole country is just exhausted


Don't know the best way to put this but ill try.

As much as I love this country, we have fallen soo far behind. I don't want to get to political, but I think Labour tried to fix it in one way, now Nat will try the other. Neither will work in the time they have.

We always prided ourselves on our past accomplishments- women vote, Hillary, Rutherford, Nuclear Free, Maori Batallion - and what we are as a country - massive dairy producers, amazing tourist destination, friendly people. But we have dwelled on it too long and got complacent. Our desire to repeat our past success has made us miss opportunities that require years of investment, and meant we are now in a cultural and economic hole that will be increasingly difficult, expensive and time consuming to get ourselves out from.

We have a tiny population and limited housing in an empty country where people have limited desire and finances for kids. Massive farms that produce income for a few overseas investors or historic families. Massively increasing inflation and cost of living due to our long supply chains and small industry base, especially compared to overseas. Falling education at a time we needs teachers, medical persons, engineers and tradies... unis are slashing courses, councils are running out of money, and overseas investors will funnel more out of the country.

I just want others thoughts around this - I have multiple ideas and theories, but I want to hear from you all.


Did a 8 hour pork roast at same time but can't upload.


Everytime i comment the text int showing up - just the underline. Works in this post for some reason though.

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