I don't know. I think I got lucky with a few pieces of clothing and mostly try to focus on quality long lasting stuff. But like I said I don't really buy much. My jeans are all pure denim and my tshirts tend to be heavier. And I think that's it. The only thing I notice that doesn't hold up very well is knitted sweaters. They tend to stretch over time.
My clothes last me an unusual amount of time when compared with most people I think (15 year old tshirts) and don't really buy clothes at all unless something is at the limit of repairability or looking very bad.
I want to ride my bike more. I work from home so I use it mostly to go the gym but I want to use for more things. Like shopping and stuff like that. I'm thinking of buying an electric one to help out since I live in a city with steep hills and an electric one would make it more likely to use.
I think that was the case before but changed last year. I know people who sell the excess during the day. Not sure if you are from Portugal but here is a link in Portuguese https://www.adene.pt/venda-do-excedente-no-autoconsumo-simplificada/
I agree with you but at the same time there huge swats of the ocean that are the equivalent of aquatic deserts. Specially on the Atlantic. So much so that frequently structures are sinked in order to create better conditions for species that were overfished. But those zones of the ocean being barren is not related to human activity so much as they are just a bit too harsh and empty. So maybe if you could store the carbon there and at the same time create structures to improve conditions it would be net positive for biodiversity.
Nowhere I said authoritarianism by the majority. And I'm not American so I'm assuming you are talking about the USA government. But let me see if understand what you are saying. Your take is that both neoliberals and the far right are both loosing support but that support is not going anywhere because people are just disengaging from politics? If that's the case I agree. But also I don't see how to re-engage people.
Ok I can agree with you on that last part. But would you be ok with slide into an authoritarian government just because it was under a leftist banner? Would it be that different from a full blown fascist ruler? I've read plenty of leftist and anarchist theory and even if I can agree that it was a possible path, it was a path, not the path, same thing with eventual rise of socialism, it's possible, not a given thing. Also no need to be condescending I'm trying to have a polite conversation here. I wanted your personal take on why you think majority of people were left leaning, I didn't even disagree with it. The far right is gaining power because it's gaining size. People choose authoritarian and racist rethoric above the alternative because it's simpler. It's force above philosophy. That's why I said a pinch. Because if left populism goes in the same direction it will lead to the same conclusion even if the original goal was better.
I think it's a bit more complex than that. In my country there are multiple Marxist parties and since we are a parliamentary system they have actual power. Still the general discourse tends to feel a bit more to the sides I mentioned. At the same time far right has been growing. But I agree people tend to be onboard with leftist policies. Maybe what the world needs is a pinch more leftist populism. Bring voters back from the claws of the far right.
Why do you say that? I have the complete opposite impression. Working class people are wither going liberal or authoritarian/populist depending on the amount of studies they have and general vibe around them. People outside of that are really rare. Which honestly feels depressing.
I agree with you. They are good principles. I was just saying not every commit is merged into main and that doesn't make it less useful in the local context even if you don't adhere to those principles. Am I crazy to assume that people tend to avoid merging things into main that don't work? 😅 Git is more than a project sharing tool. I use for projects I do alone. I use it even when I don't sync it to anywhere because it's good to have save points
Good analysis, there are a few things that I think area bit opinionated and there is nothing wrong with that, I just don't agree with a few things out of context. For example I agree that code on main should be buildable and testable. Code in your own branch should be for yourself and should still have commits. Also lazygit really abstracts a huge chunk of git logic while making it easier to understand.
If you can improve the soil there that's seems like a good plan. I would go with a sealable container maybe those boxes that have a latch. But I imagine everytime it opens the smell won't be very nice
I do have a few things that are from outdoor brands so possiblity it impacts how long they last.