
joined 8 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Coool danke für den Tipp, werde ich mal am Wochenende ausprobieren!

Ja in der Beschreibung steht 0,5 cm, aber ich musste mehr Einhalten (wir haben eine Installationsebene hinterm Gipskarton, ca. 5 cm).

Also der Boden hat überall ca. 5,5 cm Luft. Innenwände haben keine Installationsebene - da ist der Abstand trotzdem 1.2 cm (eine Gipskartonbreite) Abstand und auf den liegen die Leisten.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Die Lücken sollen so sein, also die wurden mit größerer Fuge bestellt und wurden eingeklippt

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

lol I look like a wet rat on my license photo. They do same in my country and I had a bit of "gel" in my a bit longer hair (male) and yeah well it is what it is.

[–] 27 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Honestly earth.

Here is so much undiscovered that could help us understand space a lot better.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Most people do not care. And the people who do not care have little to no access to education and the people who do also do not care because they have A/C homes.

And if you say something people resist to understand what is going on because "it doesn't exist" they say and it is fake news.

Not only are we forced to deal with climate crisis, also a crisis of missinformation.

I don't think we can do much at all because once people realise what we are doing it will be at a point of no turn - if not already.

People distrust politicians generally but believe them when they deny climate change due to alignment with their economic interests, social identity, and a preference for short-term concerns over long-term issues.


This world isn't going to be the same in ten years from now. AI is awesome, but currently we are on a path to "People with AI vs People not using AI" and if you don't understand AI now, ....

We can't escape AI usage. People resting on this subject are the first who are going to be invisible. The thing is how AI is advancing you can't rest. It's creeping on us and you can't escape.

Again, AI isn't bad. It is awesome but currently it will bring a lot of problems.

[–] -4 points 2 months ago

Chatgpt made a shorter summary

"Decades of seismic data reveal Earth's inner core is rotating slower than the surface. USC researchers analyzed seismic waves from earthquakes and nuclear tests, showing the inner core's movement. They found that changes in seismic wave travel times indicated the slowdown. John Vidale from USC confirmed the inner core, a hot, dense iron and nickel ball 3,200 miles below, had slowed for the first time in decades."

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

If people lose jobs to AI, it might make houses cheaper because fewer people can afford them. But other things, like richer people buying more houses, government rules, new building tech, and what investors do, could keep prices high. It all depends on how these things mix together in different places.

Why should houses be cheaper just because 90% of the population can't afford them. If the top 10% buy them for investment it's enough to keep it high.

Not only that, we also have no people building homes. We need people.

[–] 27 points 2 months ago (7 children)

I like how AI has all this knowledge out of nowhere without requiring input.

Great thing AI.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It isn't actually an island, behind the open space where the leg space is and you can see the cover are more legs.

So it isn't really an island and the part that is "floating" into the window for bar chairs has a cabinet behind it too. So basically only 1/3 of it is "air" attached to the wall,

Does this kitchen plan help:

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

The kitchen is on tiles and the other floor in the living room is slightly infront of the tiles. So the kitchen is basically standing on the tiles and the wall of the cabinets is closing it.

Which gap do you mean?

The gap under the kitchen is still going to be closed tomorrow. The floor/wall gap on the right side is getting a skirting board in 2-3 weeks.

So kitchen isn't standing on the wood floor, only on tiles and the cover will slightly be (2-3 cm) in front of the tiles and slightly above the wood floor (0.2mm) so we can't see the tiles from the front (only wood floor).

This is what it looked like without kitchen:

So basically the wood floor has 0,5 cm gap to the walls and tiles and the cover of the kitchen will be in front of the gap. Ideally I won't see the gap because it is behind the kitchen cover once we are done :)

The area underneith the cabinet is "open" and we wanted it not to be seeable tiles so we put the wood floor there. It was a bit complicated to messure it exactly so I had to "end" the tiles about 1.20 meters before I started the wood floor with 0,5 cm distance to the tiles.

In the pictures you can't see it but if you are in the kitchen and take the cover away you can see about 7 cm's of wood floor and then the cover and on the other side of the kitchen (my view in pictures) you can't see the tiles and the 7 cm of wood floor because they are behind the cover.


I'm at a point in life I get a phone, set it up and live my life.

Everytime I get updates for my Samsung phone my menu is wack and I gotta click through thousand new commands and options that I will never use in my life.

Please just give me updates for my security and no more features.



Vielleicht kann mir wer helfen.

Habe die Gipskartonwand mit einer Grundierung extra für Pufas Farbe und entsprechender Zeichnung für Silikat grundiert.

Darauf Pufas Putzgrund drauf, soweit okay aber man sah immer noch den Gips bei den Stößen durchschimmern. Also extra Silikat Farbe von Pufas gekauft und drauf.

Die Wand sieht im Licht echt nicht gut aus. Also mein Vorgehensweise war:

  1. Q2 gepachtet, geschliffen
  2. Wand komplett grundiert nach 2 Tagen
  3. 1 Tag Grundierung wirken lassen und Putzgrund von Pufas drauf
  4. 1 Tag gewartet und Silikat Farbe drauf...

Oder hilft nochmal streichen? Das wäre aber schon heftig..


I marked it purple and hope to keep it alive but even my neighbor said its old.

Would you keep it? I am planning to keep it or is it really too old?


I give you a cozy chair and you are now going to watch the beginning of earth til today with all your senses. You won’t age, everything freezes. But once you reach this minute you will get a million dollars.

All you have to do is watch earth form from nothing to how it is now in this minute and then you will come down to earth with a million dollars and nothing changed.

Yes or no? You will see things nobody has ever seen and you can watch the dinos if you get to that point after a few million years. I will give you a chair and binoculars


I give you a cozy chair and you are now going to watch the beginning of earth til today with all your senses. You won't age, everything freezes. But once you reach this minute you will get a million dollars.

All you have to do is watch earth form from nothing to how it is now in this minute and then you will come down to earth with a million dollars and nothing changed.

Yes or no? You will see things nobody has ever seen and you can watch the dinos if you get to that point after a few million years. I will give you a chair and binoculars


... all the time to come to earth but you arrive as a billionaire would you do it?


Sometimes I malfunction and wamt to swallow but I cant. After a few tries it suddenly works. I usually bug when I breath heavily through my nose.


My right arm is completly numb and I panic out of my bed sometimes. The reason is that I fall asleep on my shoulder and sometimes it takes a minute til it functions again.

Last night I fell asleep again and woke up and it it took longer than usual to get it back to moving. I started crying and was totally panic mode.

Is this something that can cause long term issues if this happens frequently or should I change the way I sleep? Can I ignore it?


Hey... I bought tiles a year ago and they looked good in the store.

Please dont junge they dont lign up with wall tiles. Wall has 30x60 inch and floor 59,5x59,5 so I couldnt lign them up properly.

Are the colors from floor and wall "Okay" or should I find new wall tiles? Maybe it looks different when lights are installed and wall above is white and not just plasterboard grey?

What you all think?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I got a poncho for indoor. It was so confy I wear it to the cinema but I felt like everyone was staring at me.

Thoughts? My mother said I look like I smoke weed all day when she saw me and my gf said I look like some eco hippy bum.

I dont know. Those are two opinions but I wanted to know what you all think.

Edit: i know my jeans are dirty. I just finished mudding a small wall and thought I can do that without making a mess lol

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