
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 2 years ago

It's free reading material that you can access from your phone anywhere. I love it!


"...We’re honored to share with you that the Framework Laptop and our Lead Industrial Designer, Poyu Chen, received two awards for excellence in product design. These are the Red Dot: Best of the Best Award in the Product Design 2022 category, and the iF Design Award 2022. We are incredibly proud to see our first product receive such recognition from these respected international design competitions.

'This distinction is synonymous with ground-breaking design par excellence. Only a very small percentage of competition winners were awarded this special title, because a product needs to have a certain something in order to win this top award,' said Professor Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of Red Dot. For us, that 'something' stemmed from our philosophy to make products that respect people and the planet. It will continue to serve as our North Star and we hope all of you (and our planet) will enjoy the Framework Laptop as much as members of the Red Dot and iF juries did."


Our mission is to remake Consumer Electronics to respect people and the planet. We’re reducing environmental impact by designing products to last longer through easy repair and upgrade, maximizing use of recycled and recyclable materials, and finding ways to extend life through re-use, and we’re always looking for opportunities to do better. Today, we’re excited to introduce an option to make your Framework Laptop fully carbon neutral through carbon capture and sequestration. To celebrate Earth Day, all Framework Laptop orders through this Sunday, April 24th have $100 USD of carbon capture included for free!

[–] 8 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

I started looking into Lemmy after I installed LibreWolf and it was listed as one of their socials. I already use Mastodon and Reddit is one of the few proprietary social media sites I'm still on. Lemmy seemed like a no-brainer.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago

I'm probably going to still use DuckDuckGo for now but this is such a stupid unnecessary move. Seeing some russian "disinformation" wasn't going to suddenly turn me into a Putin stan.


Old review/tear-down from Louis Rossmann