
joined 1 year ago

Happy Monday, tabletoppers!

What games did you get up to in the last ~7 days? Feel free to share any stories, anecdotes, thoughts, and opinions about your game sessions. And don’t forget to discuss others’ games too, of course!


Happy Monday, tabletoppers!

What games did you get up to in the last ~7 days? Feel free to share any stories, anecdotes, thoughts, and opinions about your game sessions. And don't forget to discuss others' games too, of course!

Bonus question of the week: What game do you introduce/recommend to almost everyone?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Oh interesting, would these be the larvae then? A quick Google tells me that we have over 60 different types of native ladybugs here, so I'm gonna have to do some searching. Thanks.

And yes, I realise bugs all have their role to play and aren't inherently good or bad. But I was looking for "is it likely that these clustering bugs are killing my plant", i.e. are they a foe in this situation.


I noticed today that one of my struggling garden plants is absolutely covered in bugs. I have no idea if those two things are related (we had a massive drought), but I wanted to find out what these little dudes are, and whether they're friend or foe. Any thoughts?

Edited to add: located in western Europe.

picture of a branch with about 10 spiky bugs on it

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

[off topic question: I see a lot of people including image descriptions in text for accessibility purposes. Is there a benefit to doing that instead of/in addition to including alt text with the images, which - if I understand it correctly - will be picked up by screenreaders?]


Hi all,

I've painted some miniatures from one of my board games. It's the King of the Forest with two dogs and a bird, all grown out of the woods. I really enjoyed painting them, organic shapes and vibrant natural colours make me happy. Would love to hear what you think.

The whole crew together:

A group of 4 miniatures that have been painted. The king is a large humanoid figure, there are 2 dogs, and a bird perched on a tree. They are painted in vibrant greens and browns.

Some pictures of the miniatures by themselves:

The Forest King holding a bow and having a glowing yellow sword on its back.

A painted forest dog, partially standing on a stone, its head lowered but looking up.

A painted forest dog, its head raised up looking out.

A bird with blue-ish feathers perched on a piece of wood. It has a wooden carapace.

AMA about painting miniatures, always happy to chat about that!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I've been trying to cultivate my home as a place my friends feel comfortable showing up to. There's a bunch of people (too many) in my life who are going through tough stuff, and lately more and more they just show up for a chat, reading a book in peace and quiet, or sleep over and have a night away from home if they need it.

It's not so much them being welcome that feels like an accomplishment (because that's just a given), but rather that they seem to have internalized that it's OK to ask for help/support and feel comfortable enough with me/us to come here.

As I'm typing this out I'm not sure if this fits in the "betterment" category, but it's a positive change in my life I've noticed and worked on lately, so submitting it anyway. 😊

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

I feel like if I came out I’d be virtue signalling and taking oxygen from people who are “actually queer”. I’m worried people won’t believe me, because I spent 15 years not believing myself.

For what it's worth from an internet stranger:

I believe you. You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to be who you are. You have just as much of a right to identify as whatever you want as anyone else. And if someone doesn't agree with that, that says a whole lot more about them than about you.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I think you've already had plenty of replies here, but yeah here in western Europe, straight from the tap. I'm also fortunate not to have any chlorine in my water. It's delicious.

One thing about the chlorine, it also just evaporates over time without boiling. Filling a jug of water and leaving it standing around for a while will also get rid of that chlorine smell/taste!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Yes, it's a good thing! I really like the highlights in the green parts. So vibrant and intense. Doing a quick paintjob well is a skill :D

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This looks great! Fun model and great paintjob. It looks quite cartoony, especially with the unsubtle highlights, and that's a great choice for this model. Love it.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I quite enjoy falafel and I'd like to try my hand at making them, but deep frying is not an option for me. Anyone have suggestions how to make them in a skillet or oven?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's great, thanks! I'm not in the US, so I'll have to do any shopping elsewhere, but I'll check out the videos. Is it expensive to get started, or can you get the most basic necessities on a budget? (I tend to be a multicrafter, trying everything a little bit, and only spending more if I really want to dive into it.)

And yeah I'll join you in the community, excited to learn more. Thanks!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

That looks absolutely gorgeous, if I saw that in a shop I'd be like "I must have this!"

I've wanted to try working with leather for a long time, but I find it very intimidating. Do you have any suggested resources on how to get started?

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

That sounds fun! I was actually thinking about doing something similar, but only about a few ones I think are special. Would love to see it.

Edit: what I mean is, I think it'd be interesting content, not that I'm in any way trying to "compete"!


Every time I look at this picture I just giggle.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not OP, but Spirit Island is one of my favourite games too. I think it's great at most player counts, but I like it the most at 2p. You can help each other out, fill in each other's weak spots, but it doesn't get as overwhelming as at larger player counts. And yes indeed, the decision space in Spirit Island is so big that alpha gaming is not easy (once you've played it a lot that gets easier, though), which makes it a great actual co-op game.


cross-posted from:

This mollusc monster is a lot bigger than what I usually paint, and it took me forever to finish it. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Would love to hear what you think.


This mollusc monster is a lot bigger than what I usually paint, and it took me forever to finish it. I'm really happy with how it turned out. Would love to hear what you think.


I have a happy worm bin that takes care of most of my composting needs. I use the castings around my garden, mostly when I'm planting something new, but I also feed my established plants with it when I can.

But! I've also been thinking it'd be great to deliver castings right into the ground, and would love to use semi-buried containers in the beds to compost right there. There are plenty of native composting worms in my location.

I have a bunch of small (1-1.5 liter ish?) buckets with lids that I'd love to repurpose for this. I was thinking I'd make a bunch of holes in the body and lid of the buckets, and bury them up to the rim. Then fill with some bedding and some scraps, and inoculate with come castings and some worms. And just feed whenever there's space, hoping the castings spread a bit into the ground, or otherwise dig it up when it's full of castings and bury it in a new spot.

My main concern is that the buckets would be too small. The reason I'm aiming for this size is honestly because I want to use these containers for something useful instead of tossing them out. I'd love any suggestions and to hear about your experiences with in-ground composting!

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