[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

Totally, I'm just curious because from what I've heard manga is a bit more humorous than the movies/shows so it might be a bit of a shock (especially for those who don't even know about the source material). I also have some... interesting experience watching various fandoms being confidently wrong about a lot of official stuff so that might be why I'm thinking about it.

Anyway, I'm on board with a manga adaptation - still haven't read the thing myself and that could be a good push to finally do it.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

Were there issues with subs before? It's been a while since I saw this one but I don't remember having any issues with that.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

I wonder how people will react to that considering the difference in mood and atmosphere between manga and anime. I'd certainly like to give it a shot.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I've got as much details as you unfortunately. Official site doesn't provide any info beyond what's in the trailer description.

This movie contains a heavy amount of CGI so they most likely rerendered the whole thing from scratch, assuming they still have the source files for that stuff.

Edit: I looked around a little bit and while I didn't find anything official I saw some suggestions this might just be an anniversary screening of the Japanese release from few years ago. Let's hope we'll get some more info on that.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

Sure but there's apparently some new problems since 3.23 and that's what they're talking about here. I'm honestly not too clear on details since I don't use gravlev vehicles.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

I'm guessing "horny" is the answer.



  • Eliot, Lead Mission Designer
  • Yogi Klatt, Principle Vehicle Programmer
  • Richard Towler, Lead Designer on Vehicle Experience
  • Thorsten Leimann, Lead Systems Designer


  • Yogi is happy they managed to squeeze Master Modes into 3.23 but is aware "there's couple balance issues".
  • Rearming:
    • For ballistics we'll be able to buy ammo containers to use them to reload the guns.
    • On bigger ships those containers have to be put in a dedicated slot (might change in the future).
    • Ammo sizes will be unified between all guns.
  • Firebird and Retaliator will be adjusted in 3.23.1a patch, check this post on Spectrum for details.
  • Mission team wants to create missions for refueling, lots of problems needs to be figured out first.
  • First version of mining missions might happen "soon", will focus on resource gathering (can be mined, bought, pirated).
  • After mission team finishes enough "mission modules" (bounty, mining or any other tasks) they'll start chaining them into longer missions.
  • Power plants will consume hydrogen fuel in the future (as in, you won't be able to keep your ship powered forever as it is now). This won't come online with the initial resource update in 4.0 but sometime later.
  • Team knows exactly what they want to do with space-combat, now will try to tweak things based on player data.
  • Lots of future additions (engineering, armor) will affect balance and will have to be re-tweaked again.
  • "There will always be some intentional imbalance."
  • Distortion damage will have a counter to drain it and make the ship work again.
  • Teams are currently discussing how to move away from ships exploding on reaching 0HP to mostly soft death scenario. Check engineering experimental mode in Arena Commander if you want a sneek peek at the current progress.
  • There will be some additional info on what kind of content is awaiting you for each mission (FPS, space-combat, requires multi tool, etc.) but no 100% clear distinction as some missions can change when playing (flying target might land and hide in a building for example). This won't come until mission app refactor.
  • "Call to Arms" was balanced by the Mission Team in the past, now it's handled by the Economy Team.
  • "Master Modes is doing better than what we had in 3.21 - 3.22 before."
  • "K/D ratio flattened out a lot."
  • ESP needs to be improved, 1v1 dog-fighting needs to be improved, more ideas to avoid backstrafing.
  • Both Yogi and Rich are pretty happy with the changes so far.
  • Dupe exploit is fixed internally, will go out when possible.
  • Racing is important and has a future.
  • "MM will allow us to give racing variants more freedom."
  • With the old system some of the racing ships "with all their guns" could be the best fighters.
  • Yogi is thinking about a potential "racing operator mode".
  • Mission team is investigating ways to speed up the process of getting back to the track in case of death.
  • They also want to add open access to the racing tracks in PU (no rewards but your laps will be timed) and other race types (on-foot, ground vehicle, played around with race to get out of prison - just for fun, don't think it fits).
  • Tank handling was impacted by some back-end changes, issue is fixed internally and will release when possible.
  • Ground vehicle physics were also fixed (to how they worked until now).
  • CIG is aware of the problems with cluttered HUD, no info since this isn't a UI episode.
  • Devs are still investigating problems with gravlev vehicles, aren't sure what happened yet.
  • Lots of discussions on how to encourage players to use ground vehicles. Currently investigating environment (no place to land), weather and other features.
  • Engineering plans for 4.0:
    • Life support (fire system, room atmosphere propagation, atmo maintenance, new life support generators).
    • Power management.
    • Relays (connections between items) and fuses.
    • Rebalance of items (bigger differences between item classes for example, clearer info about those differences).
    • Batteries (most likely won't make it into 4.0).
    • Repair of components.
    • Distortion counter.
    • Malfunctions (initially 3: fire, damage and distortion to the item).
[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

T-Posing to assert... surrender? That's a new one.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Understandable, have a great day.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Are they cuter or scarier now?



  • John Crewe, Vehicle Director
  • Ben Curtis, Vehicle Art Director


  • Drake Ironclad introduction
    • 6 person crew.
    • Armored cargo ship.
    • Cargo access through a front ramp and retractable roof.
    • More firepower than Caterpillar.
    • Detachable command module (like Caterpillar).
    • Smaller secure cargo room for more valueable stuff.
    • Military variant for ground operation support is also planned (smaller cargo space, repair facility).
  • RSI Polaris status update
    • "Exterior is pretty much the final art."
    • Decal and smaller details still need some work for the exterior.
    • Interior is at a greybox stage (few rooms at whitebox).
    • Turrets wil be upgraded in the future.
    • Targeted release date: this year's Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (November).

Inside Star Citizen will be on break until June 20th.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Native build next year? Pretty please?

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I'm not going to do the usual update compilation for the ongoing series as I don't think it's of any use to anyone, but I would like to highlight a title I haven't posted here until recently: The Big Bees.

It's a series about various people interacting with the titular big bees in random non-bee ways. It has cute art, bees are fluffy and adorable, and the whole thing brings a smile to my face anytime I read it. It's a pretty new series (only 18 short chapters so far) but if you want a dose of happiness, you won't be disappointed.

[-] Essence_of_Meh@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Just to add to my main post - I think my main problem with MM (though I use MM as a catch-all for all of the changes implemented with this patch) is that it forces players into doing things in a way already possible with the old system. The problem wasn't with jousting, fighting from afar etc - most of it had to do with CIG not teaching people how to fly and utilize all of the mechanics properly.

Sure, some things had to be tweaked and would change as new features come online (armor, engineering gameplay etc) but with MM we're back to having to balance everything from 0 yet again. It's honestly baffling how often they'll go "yeah, we'll tweak stuff and it'll be great" only to change their minds and spend years working on a completely new approach plagued by tons of new (or even the same) issues.

While I don't like it, I just hope they'll actually stick with it long enough to get it to a reasonable state. Changing a flight model every few years is a waste of time, money and effort - especially this late into development.

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