Germany of course is the country that recently shut down a bunch of nuclear plants + temporarily (we hope) replaced them with coal.
I think at this point we can pretty much assume that anybody who makes public speeches about sexual perversion is, themself, a pervert.
Cool, I wonder how many points my contributions to the /r/place guillotine cost me.
Fun fact: Ronald Reagan (who I guess is now only our second stupidest president) thought the War Room was actually real and was disappointed to discover it wasn't.
Does he think, like, anybody at all actually gives a fuck?
Leo Di Cap
Leo Di Cap
Skinny little actor all stuffed with sulk
He's Leo Di Cap
Leo Di Cap
Willy nilly silly old guy
Sure, but my point is that this is more like a 10% discount than a 20% one. (For me at least if they knocked 20% off the low end model I’d probably jump on it, but 10% feels like the sort of thing that happens every month)
10% on the 64GB one, though; 15 and 20% on the higher-capacity versions, but thanks to the recent drop in SSD prices those are more expensive than they should be even with the discount.
You can want PEPFAR to survive and yet feel like W weighing in here is nakedly self-serving - it's going to change the minds of exactly zero Republicans while improving his reputation with everyone else.
Personally, I want PEPFAR renewed, and when W dies I want him to be remembered as a war criminal and his death treated with all appropriate disrespect and malice; these comments do nothing for the former and slightly reduce the chances of the latter.
It would be super fun if Hunter's expensive lawyers raise some argument about the constitutionality of gun crimes that eventually makes it to the Supreme Court - put Thomas and Alito in the position of either pissing off gun nuts or pissing off MAGA idiots (and the center of that Venn diagram is quite large).
Nuclear output 12.2021: 5599.8 GWh
Brown coal output 8.2023: 5422.0 GWh
Black coal output 8.2023: 2049.2 GWh
So if you, y'know, hadn't shut down those nuclear plants, you'd be burning 1/4 as much coal as you actually are.