Yeah, from my experience I believe Kagi’s results are like 90%+ pulled from Brave’s search index. I like the concept of Kagi, but I prefer SearXNG as a search aggregator.
When the citations are on point, I like AI search. 9 times out of 10 I care enough to read the source though.
However, there are still way too many hallucinations when it comes to sources in my experience. It just wastes my time when I go to verify and find that AI just spat out garbage.
Anyone have an opinion on Perplexity compared to Brave Search?
I really value Brave having their own independent search index. Google, Bing, and Yandex have dominated the space for quite some time.
I know Perplexity claims to have a small / curated independent index, but I’m not really sure how true that is.
Against my better judgement, I’ll take a crack at this.
American racism, as displayed in the Family Guy meme, is based on skin color. In Israel/Palestine, racism is not based on skin color. Jews aren’t all light skinned, and Arabs aren’t all dark skinned.
Nope. It’s a prominent one, but by no means the “main” media outlet. It’s also largely in opposition to Netanyahu and his coalition.
As of July 31, 2023, a TGI survey indicated that Israel Hayom, distributed for free, is Israel's most read newspaper, with a 29.4% weekday readership exposure, followed by Yedioth Ahronoth, with 22.3%, Haaretz with 4.8%, Globes with 4% and Maariv with 3.9%.[1]
I’m sure in a future thread we’ll get a comment saying something like:
“No one on Lemmy is saying we should murder billionaires”
I’ve used syncthing for this, and personally found it to work really well.
I’ve heard Taildrop (Tailscale feature), works pretty good too.
Heroic Games Launcher is a pretty smooth experience on Linux for what it’s worth. It works well for GOG, Epic, and Amazon Games.
No shit? I’ve clearly not done any research on the internet before typing my comment. There is no way I already read the article you posted. /s
That said, I’m guessing this is the part of the article you were referring to?
But uh, is Armstrong a Scientologist?
That’s the big question! Armstrong has never publicly identified with the Church of Scientology, though she did attend a gala in 2013. More recently, Armstrong supported actor and prominent Scientologist Danny Masterson at his 2020 rape trial, where he was convicted on two counts.
To summarize, she showed up to a single preliminary court date in 2020, but cut contact after details emerged? She also attended a gala a decade ago where her family was present? That’s not really proof of anything.
So basically it’s not something she’s ever said, but you’re assuming that she holds the exact beliefs of Scientology. This in spite of the fact she was reportedly raised by a Scientologist, yet is openly gay in contradiction to their teachings. Not to mention her songwriting for Dead Sara, which would indicate other beliefs.
For all we know she left years ago and doesn’t ascribe to any of it. It’s extremely hard to know, and personally I’d like to have some real proof before launching a “righteous” crusade against her.
Just looking for proof she’s currently a Scientologist.
I’ve personally gone with an N100 Mini PC running Proxmox and two of these daisy-chained (purchased on sale).
The MAIWO DAS uses garbage JMicron firmware by default, and there are significant issues with their sleep functions. Because of that, it took me forever to figure out why SnapRAID kept failing mid-sync. Fortunately, new firmware seems to have fixed their issues and they’ve been rock solid ever since. I specifically had to update the firmware for all 4 of the USB controllers on each DAS.
Direct link to firmware that worked for me.
JMS578_STD_v00.04.01.04_Self Power + ODD.bin
MD5: 7701fb7a968e3ad4ca926dd7854806ff
Firmware updater tool for Windows found here. I ran this from a Virtualbox Windows 10 VM inside my Arch install:
MD5: 735ec8d9f99c457ce793739480c55706
Mirrors for posterity:
Blog post detailing firmware update procedure for an external drive:
Detailed post on JMS578:
Alternate FOSS software for flashing I found later, but never used.