“Accidentally” leave an email/media announcement on the printer output tray.

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 17 points 2 days ago

My mother would mistype and just accept whatever word was substituted in the autocorrect. So I’d receive messages like “what’s times area your striving art under Stevens’s on Saturdays”. Then I’d have to ring her, on the off chance she answered (only turned the phone on when expecting a call), so there wasn’t any point texting in the first place.

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 7 points 1 week ago

Is that like “my favourite part of Star Wars is when Gandalf says Make It So” ?

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 14 points 1 week ago

Everybody but me thinks I’m wonderful.

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 3 points 1 week ago

If anything goes wrong with the deploy script, such as failing tests, no harm will be done because the script exits upon the first error encountered.

How do you clean up? Once the deploy script is fixed, how do you know what’s been done and what needs redoing?

Have you considered ansible/puppet/chef/salt — environments dedicated to deployment and cleanup, with idempotency to allow for fixing and repeating the deployment, across multiple operating systems and versions?

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 7 points 2 weeks ago

Supernatural recognition by the Vatican is rare.

Huh? Isn’t the basis of their entire religion dependent on “supernatural recognition”?

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 3 points 2 weeks ago

Not yet. I’ll wait 24 hours to allow for timezone differences, then send it to collections.

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 4 points 2 weeks ago

Ok, I’ll bite. Give me a window manager that looks like wmx, but with plain text config files like openbox, tiling like dwm, able to be controlled with the keyboard like i3 or openbox.

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 9 points 2 weeks ago

It looks like you can read and clone NFC tags with the Flipper Zero, using it as a wallet of sorts for all your cards. But you need the card in the first place to be able to read it.

Still waiting for mine to arrive so I can experiment and confirm.

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 4 points 3 weeks ago

Also koalas, red back spiders, blue ring octopus and great white shark.

[-] DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone 7 points 3 weeks ago

Eat too much chocolate. Drink too much beer.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

When I switch applications on iPad, and switch back to Firefox, it opens a new blank tab every time. But doesn’t happen on iPhone. Settings are the same on both devices.

Has anyone else seen this?

Firefox 123.1

iOS 17.3.1
iPad mini 5
iPhone 13 mini

[OC] Driveway (aussie.zone)
[OC] Lamp Post (aussie.zone)
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