click - your data is lost
I liked them anyways. The IDE drives were fast and cheap, CD-R was still too expensive.
click - your data is lost
I liked them anyways. The IDE drives were fast and cheap, CD-R was still too expensive.
Please make a new 8910
If the twos are very small, it might be a heavy three.
Do all the politicians sleep in prison?
Like many things, freedom of press hasn't been great for a long time...
I thought you meant the card game...
No need to continue reading after "by Norton". They want to sell their crapware.
Are you in the US? Maybe get a different lawyer.
Society does not care. Get a divorce and move on.
Ich fordere Gefängnisstrafen für die Personen, die entschieden haben, die digitale Infrastruktur, und damit unsere freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung, in die Hände von Microsoft zu geben. Dass neben dem Zugriff durch US Geheimdienste Sicherheitslücken ohne Ende existieren ist hinlänglich bekannt.