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Brexit, Trump and the Ultimatum Game (
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 58 minutes ago) by to c/

Found this article from 2016 and thought that it is actually a good theory of where we are now as a society.

The rest are my thoughts on this:

The ultimatum game is an experiment a dealer has a 100$ and they are able to offer you any split of the money they like and keep the rest for themselves. If you reject the offer no one gets any money. It has been shown that after increasingly unfair offers people tend to reject the offer even though it isn't a rational move.

People seem to be in a place where they see the benefits of society are unequally distributed and are becoming more willing to throw out the whole system even if it comes at huge cost to them.

We are seeing the same thing with what is happening in New Caledonia with the riots or with even with just people moving off established social media.

It seems like level of awfulness that makes people willing to just say fuck it all is different for everyone but with more occurrences of this happening I do think we are reaching a tipping point on a global scale.

This is actually a part of the reason why I believe countries are starting to regulate social media is so that people aren't reminded of these problems as often.

For example China recently made a law that is going to repress showing wealth on social media. So this is an attempt to hide the problem instead of actually facing it.

This is also related to the US election. Rationally people should choose Biden over Trump but according to the polls it seems like it being the "rational" choice isn't enough.

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[-] 14 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

China is not socialist no matter what they say.

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Since whales are teaming up with each other to take down yachts and teaching others how to do it I thought this would be a fun question.

If a majority of intelligent enough sea animals that could communicate with each other teamed up to mess with human activities in the sea who would win.

By the way for people that say that humans would obviously win we have already lost a war against emus before.

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[-] 5 points 3 days ago

You could adjust it to talk about arranged marriages instead.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

[-] -1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I think that in the long term that there is one thing going for the truth: It is more coherent and more predictive of what is to come next.

If a country does a campaign that tries to fabricate a story from scratch if they aren't very careful there will be some form of incoherence eventually if there is any slip up. That's why its always easier to just frame the truth in positive or negative lights instead because it removes the need to try and create coherent stories.

And yes I know that there are people that believe incoherent truths about the world but that is mainly because it doesn't actually affect most of the actions that they take on a day to day basis so they don't have an actual incentive to improve their understanding of the world. If they need to make decisions based on that information they will make bad decisions until their understanding of the world has changed or they are out competed by people with more accurate beliefs.


Lies take consistent effort to keep straight and eventually they'll fuck up, Spin is easier and more effective for changing values, and people tend to have more accurate beliefs if they are actually useful to have them.

Edit: grammar

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[-] 0 points 3 days ago

Do you have a link to the original audio for the conversation? couldn't find it in the article.

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[-] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)


Edit: It most like was a federation problem on my end.

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[-] 3 points 3 days ago

Unrelated question but why did you not upvote your own comment?

on it automatically does that for you.

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[-] 1 points 4 days ago

FYI I've found that if you download a text expander it allows you to make shortcuts for these kinds of texts making it much easier to add automatically.

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[-] 15 points 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Once these get advanced enough and the human cost of starting a conflict goes to zero (because they most likely will be able to scale these to whatever kind of conflict is wanted) why wouldn't countries be more likely to start a war.

Or if most regular military battles only become an economic problem then why wouldn't an enemy turn towards more terrorist like attacks like happened in Russia with ISIS.

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A visual book recommender (

Idk why I'm mentioning it but compared to a lot of other online platforms where if religion is being mentioned outside of a religious community it is really in your face on Lemmy it seems like when it is mentioned outside of that kind of community it seems relevant to whatever they are saying and are generally nice.

Its a nice change of pace.

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[-] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

cross-posted from:

After reading this thread I had the question on whether it is possible to verify you have certain information without revealing who you are to others.


After reading this thread I had the question on whether it is possible to verify you have certain information without revealing who you are to others.


After reading this thread I had the question on whether it is possible to verify you have certain information without revealing who you are to others.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/
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